Ultrafire WF-602C/MCU7's

Ultrafir WF-5/602. A powerful, lightweight, small and cheap, what more could you ask for. I am one of those weirdos that uses his teeth as a third hand to hold a small flashlight when working on something. I don’t have much luck with any AAA lights, I can’t use twisties and rear buttons on AAA’s generally fail. And these Ultrafires are almost as light as a AAA.

Is there a rubber sleeve I could fit on these RCR123A batteries to give my tooth enamel a break?

yeah… look for bike handle bar grip or insulation foam for pipe :smiley:
that’s what I used with my Convoy S3, especially if I need to hold it for more than 15 mins :smiley:

what about wrape for tennis rackets or golf clubs I don’t know enough about either sport to know if this is possible. The pipe insulation is a good idea.