Thread View Counter?

Has the thread view count feature been disabled or removed?

Just wondering if it’s the forum or something on my side causing it not to show.
It’s been like that for a few days now i think.

No thread view counter for me either. :_(

I dont recall one. Where was it?

It was working on Thursday!

Ah yeah thanks, I do recall something like that. With the recent downtime maybe SB decided to pull it to save some server/db load.

I miss the counter, hopefully it comes back…

I like the counter too.

Hi guys,

Sorry about the view counter, I temporarily disabled it while troubleshooting a problem on the server. I just re-enabled it again.

3 reads? LOL.

Thanks SB.

Edit: OK, it says 9 now. Wait… this will make 10. Refresh refresh refresh, it now has more reads than posts. Excellent.

bump… It seems to be disabled for the new threads created after sb did some work.

PS to SB: thanks for whatever you did. The site used to load slow one minute, be snappy the next, all at random intervals (that I could check). Now it is snappy all the time.

Oops, thanks for the reminder. I had disabled the counter again while the site had some issues, and forgot to re-enable it. It’s enabled again now.