Mark all read problems

I was clicking on a thread and it says all forums marked as read, all the threads with new posts in the last month I have not gotten to are all gone
Suffice it to say I had a few colorful metaphors running around in my head
Can we add a confirm page to it, on an android phone its too easy to accidentally screw yourself over

In fact I wouldn’t mind mind having the option to remove it


This has happened to me a number of times. Especially lately


In my case it is probably because I hit the “mark all read” button by mistake. Sometimes if a page is not yet fully loaded and I go to click on a link, just then the positions of everything changes because the page is still loading. It is possible to click on something that was not intended because everything changed that last split second. My original iPad is very susceptible to this as it is getting very slow.

Is it possible to implement a “confirm” button without to much hassle? I think it would be great!

Or put it on the right side away from other links?

Never have come across the mark all read problem. Maybe some conflict with your browser settings?

Move it, do whatever, just don’t get rid of it

I had about the same problem, i clicked on recent, and clicked on the first thread, it loaded but near the top it said all forums read and all the unread posts in my subscriptions were gone. I’m guessing firefox thought i clicked on both at the same time since they are on top of each other.

Ok, it looks like I can easily remove the MARK ALL READ button from the home page and /recent-posts page (which is the same thing). If I did that, it would still be available on the /forum page. Any thoughts?

No! Please don’t take it off the recent posts page.

I use it several times a day. I’m a bit OCD, and it drives me nuts to see “New” on all the threads I don’t want to read.

I really don’t think it’s that close to any other links. You guys must have huge cursors :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: it would be nice if when I click “Mark All Read” from Recent Posts it redirected back to Recent Posts, instead of going to the Forums page.

I’ve been using AdBlock to remove it. Right click and manually add it to your filter list.

I would say go for it, but for the people who want it can it be made as an opt out but opt in on the settings page if a user wants it?

I’d say go ahead and remove it. Logically, if you’re on the /recent-posts page, you should expect to see new material. The MARK ALL READ button is out-of-place with that logic. Keeping it on the /forum page is consistent with logic and should be a good enough place for people to find it if they want to use it.

I personally have not had that problem yet, but I’m for anything that can help the small screen experience of BLF. It isn’t really a mobile-friendly site.

I don’t follow this logic.

I use the button to remove the “New” stamp from threads I don’t actually want to read. That way i can easily see what threads are actually new, and if the threads I am interested in have new posts, without it all being cluttered by “New” stamps on threads I already know I’m not interested in.

Wait… I’m not following. Maybe you’re walking too fast for me to keep up. :bigsmile: If you mark all the threads as read, then how does that make it easier to see what threads are actually new, and if the threads you are interested in have new posts? A thread that is read has no distinguishing feature to show that it has anything new to show you. Isn’t that the whole point of the MARK ALL READ button? What am I missing here?

The problem here isn’t really that the button is malfunctioning, but rather that it is being pressed accidentally as the page progressively loads and jumps position, as some have mentioned. I could also probably put the button at the bottom of the Recent Posts. But it’s theoretically possible to bump it there as well. Might be a case of:

:bigsmile: (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

It’s technically just as simple as visiting this link:
So, a button isn’t absolutely necessary.

Any more thoughts?

I go through all of the “New” posts, and read the ones that interest me. After I’m done reading, I hit the “Mark All Read” button to clear the “New” tag from the ones that are technically new, but uninteresting. Then the next time I log in, I know that all of the “New” threads are actually new since the last time I logged in, and not just other threads that I scrolled past last time and didn’t want to read.

Yep, same here.