please bypass my springs! - now San Francisco bay area blf get together

Sounds kinky, eh? :wink:

Looking for someone in the San Francisco bay area to bypass the springs on my blf a6 and the tail spring on my convoy m2/Mtn fet/mt-g2.

Beer, lunch, beer with lunch. Let me know :wink:


I’m in Marin/Sonoma, sometimes in Berkeley.

RBD's abilities with a soldering iron are highly regarded not that you probably need to be told that. All the best for the mod.

Is there any way I might join you?

I live just south of Devil's Slide, and have two BLF A6 flashlights that could use a bypass.

Anywhere in the middle we can all get together and do a meet’n solder? Devils slide is a bit far, postage would be way cheaper than the gas.

Cool! I’m in Oakland, so Berkeley is the next town over. Just name a weekend that works for you :slight_smile:

I do have a soldering iron if you have an interest doing in at my place. I just suck at soldering.

Thanks again !


I’d bring my own kit but it would help if one or two others with skills could come too. Beer, que, flashlights ’n fumes. I wouldn’t be able to do umpteen of these by myself and skills are improved by sharing techniques. We can all learn a bit. A carpool from the south and another from the north maybe?

I’m just a little out of the way over in Sacramento. Although, it would be pretty fun to meet other BLF’ers!

Thanks for offering to do this!

obviously no rush. we can try and get a group together. do a soldering/spring bypass lesson. either at my place, your place or anywhere in between.

while we’re on the subject, just do a simple spring bypass to the BLF A6 or since they are those second batch squishy thin springs, perhaps buy some beryllium springs from mountain electronics? my HG2 battery does still flop around a bit in the tube… even wrapped with some electrical tape. i’m guess the springs aren’t stuff enough to hold the battery firmly in place?


I wonder if I should solder-bypass the tailcap spring in my A6.

One thing I don’t like about the UI though. I like being able to turn on in turbo with one press. If I set the A6 to remember mode memory and turn off in turbo, it will come on in turbo. But I leave it on long enough for the turbo timer to kick in and then turn it off, it will come back on at 50% power. I then have to click up modes to get to turbo.

I can bring beer and good cheer!

Anyone like Guinness Stout or Samuel Smith's Pale Ale? What's your favorite?

i’m easy when it comes to free alcohol :wink:

Rufus, let us know when’s a good time to arrange our little BLF spring bypass party. no rush. after we see how many people are into it, we could take it offline and message eachother our email addresses.


I’m in Alameda right over the bridge from Oaktown :slight_smile:

This sounds so cool! I’m in the area too, and will PM you my email address. I don’t have any mods or hosts to work on, but am game to come lend a hand and talk torches!

I think I’ve seen that there are a few SF Bay Area BLF’ers. @Hank comes to mind.

we could change this thread to the “Bay Area BLF Modding Party”!

tweak lights, BBQ, drink beer. sounds fun to me!

ya’ll can have it at my place if you like. i’ll leave it up to Rufus to decide.


(not the important Hank with the flashlight store, mind ya, I”m the other one)
I don’t have a place, but would be glad to come learn if someone has a place and time.
I can bring a soldering station (and a computer fan and some 4” flexible dryer vent hose to take the fumes away)
I can blunder through this stuff but would really like to be better at it, and haven’t modded any tailswitches yet. Got a few worth doing.

It’s your party. I’m unavailable on the 12th but Saturday and Sunday of this weekend and Sunday the 13th are ok. After that I’m sure things get a bit busy for everyone. I think a thread name change a good idea.

Is everyone down with Sunday December 13th at my place in Oakland for a Rufus led spring bypass (and perhaps some light modding) party?

Works for me. I’ll do what I can in the time allowed.

Count me in!

Sunday, December 13th, at Robby's place in Oakland.

Thanks guys.