Reduce the green tint on E14/S41 Nichia 219b

1. Remove the anti-reflective coating on both sides of glass lens. I used an aluminum oxide paste for 10 min carefully with my fingers. (Didn’t seem to scratch glass)
2. Add a small amount of pure silicon oil on glass lens place it on TIR lens, check for bubbles. It might squish out and make a mess. (Don’t you dare use petroleum based oils)
3. Reassemble light slowly to relieve pressure/excessive silicon trapped. Don’t crack the glass.

I originally liked the tint, until someone on this forum noticed the green tint. And yes, I noticed it on mine. Thanks a ton. Anyway, the silicon eliminates the air gap interface. Any loss of light transmission by removing AR probably made up by the new TIR-silicon-glass light path. There might even be multi-wavelength interference with the original thin air gap… I’m just guessing. Additionally, there is much less off axis tint change. I have no before/after pics but I no longer have to shine it on my wall, comparing it with my other Nichia 219b light.

I didn’t realize it till I compared it to other lights at the same time.
Weird how an XP-L HI V2 5A2 looks great till you shine it next to an XP-L HI V2 3A, then a 219.
Now my s41 looks green and the 5A2 looks orange to me even while used alone, now.

I’d prolly buy a non AR lens somewhere instead or the AO paste.
As for silicone oil… I have RC car silicone shock oil… maybe?

And reading later in your post about air gap… did you try just the Silicone oil before removing AR on glass?


OH, Sorry. WELCOME to BLF.

I'm sure there are many other ways to get rid of AR coatings, I just used stuff laying around. Funny you should mention the shock oil I used. It's great stuff! I place it on plastics/rubber, etc. And I bought em 20 years ago! The pic shows a MH20 xm-l2 U2 vs E14 (both turbo), taken with a Samsung phone manually set to daylight. I didn't try just the oil. It did occur to me after rubbing the AR off though.

I have some 25yr old Silicone shock oil. And some New from a Retro project.
Just bought another S41 during the Sale and preordered the S41S. Love the light but lost 2 emitters on my first. Optic dedomed the 2 and the phosphorus went with the domes. That went an uglier blue than a CW Latticebrite. Now has (2) 219C and 2 original 219b. Still see green. Once I get the second S41 in I will try the oil only.

Hard to tell by a Pic but your E14 tint now looks similar to my XP-L HI V2 5A2 triple S2. Both the XP-L HI in pic are in S2 triple builds. Kick the pants off the S41, but I am working on that.

Asus phone set to Auto. :smiley:
Hard to hold all 3 lights on High and get a pic before they started to get hot and kick down. Had to cool and try again a couple times.
If you haven’t by passed the tail spring on the E14 you are missing out. Just did the tail spring a couple days ago but that was after the Pic. I also have the 18650 tube on the S41 using HG2. Next I am going to increase wire size and relocate the wires on the Fet and bypass the driver spring. Light is already 11A.