Knife auction #14 Halfway point of the knives. Ended

Yes, I know #13 should be the halfway point but I skipped #7 :wink:

Up for auction is a San Mai Damascus style folding knife with custom wooden scales made and signed by Old Lumens.
Please see this thread more details before bidding.
All proceeds from this auction go directly to Old Lumens.
This is your chance to give a little back to one who has given much to the flashlight community.
This is O.L. knife auction #11 – Knife scale material: Parota

Anyone can bid as many times as they like.
Bidding starts at $35.
Note to International bidders
Shipping outside the continental United States is an additional $8. PLEASE research your import laws regarding knives as you will assume all responsibility. End time shall be Saturday 19th November 12:01am UTC.
Good luck and thank you to everyone’s support so far :beer:





Hmmm…. congratulations to nobody…?? :frowning:

Strange, the lines in the wood and the metal work very nice together.
Extend the time afew days? over the weekend?

I’m in discussion with OL and J-Dub about where to go from here. If this sells in the meantime then that’d be good.

I’ve somehow missed these threads. I’ll take it if it is available still. Please PM me the details I need to know.
Thank you……


pm sent teacher :slight_smile:

PM received & answered ‘pinkpanda3310’. :+1: