Nitecore TM11 vs Jetbeam RRT-3 comparison

Here's how the two look compared. Reflectors, LED placement, Size. And some beamshots, all screenshots from goinggear's youtube video.





It seems TM11 has the obvious hotspot. RRT-3 has a nice transition between hotspot and spill, the hotspot is not as obvious because of the smooth transition but it is way brighter in the center.

Quoting from one youtube comment, I do not know the situation :

" Their are actually 2 threads going on right now at CPF but one that has now been Polled is the most interesting. As far as 8 min I can't say but if the light is flickering and cutting completly off then there is a problem, but they do say the time from turn on to erratic behavior is unpredictable, one guy even made a video. Several other forum members just report flickering or 1 led completely turning off. Some members report the replacement sent to them are also defective."

So far I haven't seen issues with the DRY, which is done by a Chinese DIY flashaholic.

Nice, but not exactly budget, are they?

I find it funny that on CPF people keep having doubts about the quality of the DRY while 60% of the TM11 owners report problems :). MY future '10000 lumen' light will be a successor of the DRY no doubt about that :d!