S41 - custom button cover

To be honest, I’m disappointed by the color choices available. I have several lights I’m less than pleased with due to the color of the button cover. I like my Convoy L5 and grey S2 but the green button cover… not so much. My most recent acquisition, an Astrolux S41 was purchased with the intention of baking it. The color turned out exactly as I hoped, a nice slightly orangey brown :heart_eyes: . The black button cover… got me thinking I could do better. Silicone is available in a variety of colors. I decided to try to create a button cover that ties in to the rich brown and bright copper of the light.

The first step is the mould. To create it I poured some jb weld into the cap from an isopropyl alcohol bottle, gently pressed the button into the center, and filled the area around and over wwith jb weld. After it cures, a bit of sanding and a bit more jb weld and I’ll have a mould.

For the S41 I plan to mix a bit of permatex black into some copper rtv to darken it a bit then swirl in some clear. I also plan to make a solid copper and solid clear, slice them, and combine for a ring of clear around the copper colored button. Why? Lighted buttons. Imagine a button cover that is a color that matches or closely contrasts with the body of your light with spots, swirls, or rings of transparent or translucent material to illuminate the switch in a unique way. The first attempt is jb weld since I had a bit on hand. The second attempt which will require more covers to make a multi-unit mould will use a much cheaper material like bondo.


Sounds good, with your skills this should be interesting.