Coleman lantern fuel for cooking?

Would I get sick if I use coleman lantern fuel/white gas to cook. Like frying an egg or boiling water to make coffee, etc. Because some fuels leave the bottom of the pan/pot very black.

You can definitely cook with it. You will not get sick
In fact coleman makes stoves that use this fuel.
You can also cook with gasoline and kerosene.

yeah, just make sure not to drink it… i mean, short of that, it should be okay…

Great! Can I use coleman lantern fuel in an alcohol stove? Like the pop can ones.

Don’t use Coleman fuel in an alcohol stove, get the MSR Whisperlite or similar white gas stove. Massdrop is offering an Optimus multifuel stove

Never never never ! It will explode.

Some good readings here:

Yes, you can, but not indoors, that will make you sicker than sick

Use alcohol in the pop-can stoves… I’ve used the regular high-octane isopropyl in mine and it works great. Filling it with gasoline and lighting it on fire would be a more frightening proposition… :person_facepalming:

With the white gas stove, you should have a nice clean blue flame. If it is all yellow it is not getting enough oxygen (or too much fuel) and will be sooty, stinky and produce carbon monoxide…. Not good, fix it!

White gas will produce Carbon monoxide regardless of how well it burn in a Coleman stove

It’s never safe to run it in an enclosed space. But the OP mentioned black soot on the bottom of the pan. This incomplete combustion will produce far more CO than one properly tuned and burning clean.