Copy and Paste does not work.

Copy and Paste does not work. Can copy users names.but paste does not come up.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Copy and Paste does not work. Can copy users names.but paste does not come up.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

What are you copy pasting? I seem to be able to copy your post alright?

I'm try to copy the username (okwchin) it lets me copy it but when I try and paste, there is no paste.

Hmmm, thanks for reporting this. It won't let you copy and paste with the editor buttons or with keyboard Ctl+X and +V shortcuts?

Could you please try clearing your browser cache and re-loading the page?


Ctrl V and Ctrl X works? using the mouse it does not work?

Now it's not working?

What browser, how2?

iT'S only working sometimes.

Firefox 8.0

For me it works OK, I use CTRL+C and then CTRL+V.

I will try it here: how2

EDIT: mmm.. the link isn't working OK, don't know why

For copying I get the right menu but for copying I get the Back, Reload etc menu

Copy and Paste with the editor buttons isn't supported in Firefox. However the keyboard shortcut should work fine. Did this issue just come up recently?


Works for me but I'm using IE.


Copy and Paste with the editor buttons isn't supported in Firefox. However the keyboard shortcut should work fine. Did this issue just come up recently?

It works now.

Can i delete this thread or close it?

Ok, thanks for checking how2. We can just leave the thread here, it will eventually get lost into oblivion.