Aprils fool joke: Zebralight out of business

“Due to high quality flashlights nowadays to be bought for a fraction of the price of a Zebralight, the company has not been able to stop the trend of steady decline in sales. As of today the well known company ceases to make and sell flashlights”
Sad; https://goo.gl/IfUenG

April fools

This is sad, RIP Zebralight

That would give a few people heart attacks if posted on CPF!

You got me...


:wink: …… :+1:

Nice one….

I bought it :person_facepalming:

Good one! :smiley:

Guilty :person_facepalming:

Good one :+1:


Glad to see April 1st is a global holiday of pranksters

The Miller, you got me big time! I actually went out to the ZebraLight website just to double check.

At least Miller didn’t post:

“SureFire merges with UranusFire, new company will be known as SUraenusFire.”

How about: Armytek releases Grizzly.

That would have been a repeat from last year (with much much better names :wink: )

I was going to go to their site to look for the SALE!

Well done sir! you got me

Ya, Happy April Fools Day.

A wonderful day named after Sir Edmond Fools.