
Sorry, please delete.

And now off to your other 3 or 4 threads for they sure are going to be a “please delete off topic bonanza!”

I loved that show as a kid
Hoss … Ponderosa and that Little House On The Prarie guy

little joe?

Loved Chuck Connors in the Rifleman

:laughing: :laughing: (please delete this)

If you have never seen the bonanza where little Joe and Hoss buy a race horse, you really need to watch it. There were a lot of good episodes to that show (I watched the first ~150-200 episodes in their entirety) but this one is the one that I always remember.

It was episode 121 and called The Hayburner

Lots of scenes come to mind but they are harder to tie to an episode.

little joe?

actually, in his EARLY “career”, he needed the money bad enough? he was billed as… “BIG joe” in his early 8mm work, a-la “the italian stallion”…LMAO

Once upon a time there were 2 cows, just doing there thing.
Suddenly one started to jump and dance around.
the other one said to the other: “why are you dancing and jumping around?”
The other one said: “it’s my birthday tomorrow and I want some whipped cream on my cake”.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Delete what?

I guessed the Topic :sunglasses: