Modifying MCPCBs

In order to build a multicolor light I’m thinking of modifying a MCPCB with 4 LEDs in parallel into 4 separately wired LEDs. The plan is to cut some traces and remove the solder mask at appropriate places to connect the wires.

Has anybody done something like this and is it possible without shorting the traces to the copper?

I did stuff like that and the main advice is: do not go through the dielectric layer because that will certainly cause shorts to the core. If it happens it can be repaired but that is a big pain.

Thanks for the links, this mod seems to be a pain in the a…
I guess I’ll exercise this mod with a spare board first.

Well, I’m not too skilled using a carpet cutter or a scalpel. So I tried a different method which worked pretty well: a 1 mm Diamond Sphere Grinding Bit (for glass engraving) in my Dremel like tool:

It is important to use very little pressure.