EDIT: Solved, thanks.

EDIT: Solved. Looks like I had a nasty virus. I reformatted my SSD and now that and the chronic Gmail fails have ceased. Thank you everyone. Your help means a lot.

I cannot view my website in firefox at all now. :frowning: Can someone with the most recent version tell me if you can? asflashlights.com

I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it but I still get this error message.

“Error 406 - Not Acceptable Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake please contact the web site owner.”

I can see it perfectly if I use my phone.

Works for me.
Using Windows 7, Firefox 56.0.2 (64-bit), it says up to date.

It comes up for me in Firefox 56.0.1 on a Win7 VM. Did you try using another browser?

It works for me on Firefox 56.0 32 bit.

Ok, I’m starting to feel a little better. I was concerned that this was going to be a firefox wide issue.

Just now I checked using chrome and I am able to see the site. What I don’t get is why it would all of a sudden stop working in firefox. Even after I uninstalled and reinstalled it.

Sounds like you have a blocker in your Firefox browser running or firewall blocking your site? ( check those settings, or try disabling your firewall & blockers to see if that works and is the cause) Also are you using a VPN? temporarily shut that off too to see if you can access your site, or try an earlier version of Firefox.

works for me. Firefox 48.0.2 and Safari 6.1.6 Mac OSX 10.7.5 Firefox (or one of the installed plugins) may have updated without your knowing it.

Came up fine in Opera and Firefox on two different machines.

By the way, any Firefox users interested in the upcoming Firefox Quantum update in 2 weeks?

Looks very promising.

Works fine for me
Firefox 56.0 (64-bit)/Lubuntu 16.04.03 LTS

It’s a no-go in my firefox (Version 56.0.2 (64-bit)). I get the same message that you posted.
Works fine in Chrome and Edge (Same PC).

I don’t have an adblocker or popup blocker installed in FF so I don’t know what’s causing it.

Works 100% on Mac, latest FF. 56.0.2 (64-bit) network runs Pi-hole. no issues at all.
Currently traveling and using office vpn via UK or DE backbone/IP.

VoB, you may want to ask your web hosting service’s support, this may be a server configuration issue.

Yup worked


52.4.0 (32-bit)

Adventure Sport Flashlights, Hollister, MO 65672

Comes up for me too, FF 56.0.2 (64 bit)

BTW, when I first saw this thread I wondered what is VOB doing with an HID light after reviewing the BLF GT :person_facepalming:

Works for me in Firefox 57.0b12 (64-bit) Linux.

Just for kicks, I tried https://asflashlights.com (since that really should work, ya know), and I got this:

Might not be the same problem you were seeing since mod_security sounds like a server-side error, but FYI.

http://asflashlights.com works fine

https://asflashlights.com has a problem

after gogole translator

Tried chrome and firefox, it works on both browsers. As long as you can browse it on either of the browsers, it should be fine. But, as most say, Chrome eats up a lot of RAM than firefox, and if this isn’t an issue to you, you’re better off with chrome in your case.

Looks fine in 48.0.2.

fine in ob14 beta x64 win 7 and linux.
fine in 57.0 release too.