Why no Aliexpress Black Friday alerts

I understand that Ali works differently to Gearbest and Banggood, with no central sales drive or authority, but I would have thought today at least, there would have been members checking out their favourite brands or stores on Ali and reporting back on some great deals.

Zip, Nada, Zilch.

What gives? Are we so used to sitting back and waiting for the deals to come to us that nobody is looking?
I have been at work all day, popping in now and then to see what is going on, but I see mainly Gearbest and some Banggood, little else.

It may not seem fair of me to ask when I have not been doing the legwork myself, but I am still curious.

I have done all the research on products on AE for 11/11. bought most items I needed at the best prices.

My wish list still has all the items listed and the black friday prices don’t look amazing to me. At least not in the flashlight or (small) electronics world.

Thanks for the feedback. FPV :+1:

I checked some Ali stores …but no deals. At least nothing that could be compared with 11.11 deals.

no soup for you

I have been keeping my eyes open for mega bargains for both 11/11 and black friday, but have found very little of interest this year. I was hoping for something like the DITO sale from last year.

I think all those Asian shopping websites (or the sellers on there) realized they can charge a lot more and get away with it. Free shipping also seems to be more of a rarity these days.

Consumers in the high-price nations are getting ripped off daily (just think about retail prices for products or goods we need immediately or can’t ship). They then go online and compare Asian prices with local retail or local ebay/amazon prices. To make it worse, offshore ecommerce sites now have a significant trading volume and an unbelievable amount of shoppers daily.

Also, we on BLF are overrun with daily deals, coupons, flash sales, group-buys, discounts and all kinds of offers. Our price perception is certainly skewed towards the lower end and therefore unrealistic when compared to “regular” prices on the web.

There is a reason Dito is no longer selling flashlights on the web. Their deals were simply too good to be real (in the long run).