atmel studio 6

Anyone have a copy, cannot for the life of me get this to run on version 7, apparently version 6 runs better.

I’m running Atmel Studio 7 for quite a while with USBASP and avrdude. What’s exactly the problem?

@Flashy Mike, Can you post the settings you use to load your usbasp to Atmel?
I got lost trying to find avrdude, It seems avrdude does not come with Atmel Studio 7 so I had to DL and put it on its path….

It works fine on linux which is what I use most of the time… Just wanted to play around with Atmel Studio 7 :smiley:

The problem is im a twit.

i should sit down with a few hours spare to go through the issues methodically like i normally do, but i was rushing it, and found someone suggesting that Ver. 7 had certain compatibility issues.

i think it might stem from the fact my computer didnt install drivers for the usb, so i found a random usb driver for a similar item.

still not to sure how much time i want to invest in this, although it seams like a worthwhile endeavour.

I switched from 5.1 to 7 and have had no problems, with the software anyway. I actually have both installed and when I switched, I couldn’t make 7 work Exactly right. But the problem was me. I think most of our coders here are using 7 which should make every thing work smoother if we use the same version.

I use atmel studio 7 to code and generate hex files, then switch to avrdude for flashing. My atmel studio is totally unaware of my usbasp’s existence.

How to integrate avrdude into Atmel Studio 7:

1.) Add the avrdude transfer commands.

Open Atmel Studio and open the "External Tools" menu (in menu "Tools -> External Tools").

You'll see a window like this:

With the "New" button you create a new item. Fill the required fields.

For instance, my "Command" for Attiny85 is

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe",

and the "Arguments" are

"-C "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -p t85 -c usbasp -u -Uflash:w:"$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).hex":a -Ulfuse:w:0xD2:m -Uhfuse:w:0xDE:m".

Change path and arguments to your values, and use the proper fuses for your mcu. Wrong fuse values can brick your mcu!

Activate the option "Use output window".

You'll find the new avrdude commands in the Tools menu afterwards.

2.) Add the avrdude commands to your toolbar (optional):

Find your "Build Toolbar" and click the small arrow at the right end.

Click "Add or Remove Buttons". Click "Customize". Click "Add Command".

Select "Categorie" "Tools". Select in "Commands" list an "External command xx". They are numbered in the order of creation.

Flashy Mike, just to clarify, what are the correct fuses for ATTiny25 and ATTiny85?
Are the following values correct?

AT25 lfuse:0xd2 hfuse:0xdf efuse:0xff
AT85 lfuse:0xe2 hfuse:0xde efuse:0xff

Thanks @Flashy Mike!