looking to mod Zebralight H60 Headlamp

So i got 3 Zebralight headlamps and they run on Cree XR-E Q5 back in 2009. It’s way out of date and the tint isnt good.

Im hoping to swap with them Nichia led but it’s not easy to mod Zebralight without damaging the parts. Does anyone mod these before or have any tips for me?

It is not my work.
But I have such H60.
219C 4000K r9050. buck driver 2A.

I found this H60 several years ago using metal detector in very bad condition so it was disassembled without any doubt.

Don’t have any mod tips but I still use two NW H60s (version 1 and version 2), the tints are slightly different, but decent to my eyes. Efficiency isn’t going to be as good as an XP-L/XM-L but the battery lasts long enough still at the brightness typically used. One of the selling points was the bare LED light pattern, I was surprised that they discontinued their reflectorless headlamps, maybe they didn’t sell as well as the ones with reflectors.

That’s a great find although a sad loss for the original owner.

After buying an SP40 and seeing how it hoses a H60 for both light output and efficiency, I too wonder how one goes about modding a H60. I think we’re on our own though.

HC60 is a historical artifact “The first ever 18650 cylindrical with rubber loop headlamp”. Sell it for collectors as is …

Good advice. If you would decide to sell pm me. I am looking for stock H60;)