Astrolux MF01 18x XP-G3/Nichia 219C - 1 LED is yellowish

Purchased Astrolux MF01 18x XP-G3/Nichia 219C about 3 weeks ago and just noticed today that in Moon Mode, one of LEDs is yellowish. Is that a defect or is it just the wrong LED was installed?

Not really a defect, but rather a quirk of very low light modes.

One LED can slightly vary in brightness at very low modes. However, at moonlight levels, even a small difference in brightness can easily be noticed.

TLDR: It’s not a bug, it is an odd feature.


Appreciate the feedback.

Can you tell if you increase the brightness?

It does diminish greatly once you start going up in modes (low / medium). In High and turbo, the intensity is just too bright and all LEDs look the same, that’s if you even dare to stare at the light.

Not optimal, but still pretty normal. At least it’s at the same intensity, sometimes it can vary a fair bit at low levels. It’s just 1 out of 18, just use it in real world apps, you’ll forget it in no time. :slight_smile: