Bin number

Provided your supplier didn’t disclose the details of where he got your, um, LEDs…. Is there a way to determine bin number?

Green Xpe2 from Mtn electronics

Zero chance to decern binning info from the LED its self unless you have tons and tons of experience picking up minut differences in tint / output. And being as it’s a color led its gonna be impossible.

Great news though, Richard’s a good seller to deal with, just ask him if he has the bin info you’re after.

only if you got the reel or bag with the label

or have another LED of same type with known binning and do compare them at same current

last hope let him have investigate his order history on the suppliers page they usually store all transactions and show which bin it was if its not a mix of different bin groups

I figured as much. I don’t much care other then to know if I can source a higher bin. In this color the lowest bin has about half the output of the highest bin

Email sent last night, response recieved this morning!

Looks like I have an F bin (max is G) so the LED I have is near max output.