Smells like antifreeze inside my lights

I have two lights that both smell like antifreeze on the inside. Is that normal?

One of the lights is a convoy L6.

The other light is an imalent dx80

Any information you can provide will be much appreciated.

Does it taste like antifreeze?

:open_mouth::open_mouth: … Hmmm…… maybe flux or thermal paste giving off the smell??

I’ve detected odors like that especially from lithium ion primaries Energizers AA-AAA/ / cr123 types

Do you know if it’s normal?

No, I do not. But never has caused a problem that I’m aware of.

Venom, so what battery types are you noticing the odor from. In my case, it was only when opening the battery tube and only from Primary lithiums.

Oh…. I was thinking about when the head was disassembled when I said flux or thermal paste.

I have sometimes detected a slight sweet type odor coming from the battery tube when opened. It was very slight & I just figured it had something to do with the batteries. Nothing has blown up so I figured I was ahead of the game… so far anyway. :smiley: . :wink:

Almost all my lithion ion battery lamps smell sometimes. i guess it are the batterys that give a little fumes sometimes. performance are all good and no broken lights or batterys yet so i think its normal

The smell was dubbed “flashahol” back around 2004-2005.

hot light and battery is likely little of the electrolythe evaporating and leaving the cell

I never experience it myself but I was just wondering if it was normal . This way if I ever did experience I know if it’s normal or not and if I should threw out the cells.

In my case the batteries 18650 30Q

Inside my lights, smells like teen spirit