My Notifications Setting Keeps Changing - Yours?

My link to the site is to my "Watched Posts" page (and then I jump to "home" via "" link at upper-left). Watching the "Notifications" settings for each post, I am seeing some apparently changing randomly to the disabled red X. Then I of course realize why I've not seen any email notifications on those topics and have to play "catch-up" reading all the new ones. I click the "Click to Enable" button to turn notifications back on and it stays on (at least for awhile). I thought perhaps when I would post to a thread that it was disabling the notification (which I already had enabled), but I tested this and that is not the case.

Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas?


Here too, was always like this ever since I registered.

Mine did just the other day so I changed it back. That was the only time it happened though.

Seems to be kind of erratic and unpredictable to me. Doesn't happen to every post. Sometimes I check and see maybe 2 or 3 changed, sometimes none.


Since you mention it, some of the posts that I'm monitoring stop sending me notifications. Let me check.

Edit: Most of them were disabled.

I just can't find any on the threads I've been active in because I never "watched" posts, I'd just use the "My Posts tab, but now that's gone (or moved and doesn't work the same). I guess from now on I'll "watch" by default and leave email notifications off

I've experienced the same problem, but only once since the change to a new site-host.

I do know the "Watched Posts" was reset on 1/2/2012. Seems my issue started then. I had gone back through searching to find posts I wanted in that "Watched Posts" list again and added them.


Happened again! I made a post on a new thread (which of course sets it as a "Watched Post") and when I went into my "Watched Posts" list and the notification was disabled on another one (might have been the post in the list below it - can't remember now).


I had all of mine set to not email me when a new post happened in a thread im watching, now i get emails every few minutes all of the sudden lol

I've disabled two times the mail notification of new replies to thread.

For unknown reasons the other day it started sending mail notifications again... Uh?

yes, seems after reset my notif. got funky - think I'm getting some but not others, haven't looked close.

Thanks for reporting this! I made a small change to the configuration that could possibly fix this issue. There was a link in the notification email to "click here to stop watching". The problem is that some browsers and email clients do something called "pre-fetching", where they start loading links in the background before the user clicks on them. So it's possible that the link was getting "clicked" by your browser or email client and disabling the notification. I removed the link from the notification, let's see if that helps.

Could everybody please re-enable all their notifications, and then observe to see if this happens again? Please delete all previous notification messages in your inbox that have this disable link so that the link doesn't get pre-fetched again.

Thanks very much!

Thanks Admin! I'll try to remember to report back on this.


Hadn't thought of that possibility. It makes sense that it would be sporadic for me, since I'm on a dozen different PCs throughout most days and use all 3 popular browsers..

It's funny I just heard on a Tech podcast about how pre-fetchers can do false clicks on confirmation/un-subscribe links. And now it appears very likely that we were experiencing that here.

I hope it's fixed now.

Things are working good now. For the longest time when I clicked on the link in the email (the only link) it would bring me to the top of the thread, and I would have to click on the button to go to the new posts in the thread. Then for a while today it was just bringing me to a page that had ONLY the new post on it, not the rest of the thread. Just now I have noticed it is working the way it should, you click the link in the email and it automatically brings you to the newest post that you have not read in the thread.

Moto, yeah I noticed that too (and it was irritating me). Seems that sometimes it still does that, but now it's working as it should.


It still does that.

Two threads I've been watching were changed to not watching.

Yeah, I'm noticing it happening again too. I can't pinpoint what triggers it. Might be happening when I'm browsing from my iPhone as opposed to using my desktop, but not sure.
