Strange Lii-500 charger behaviour

I recently ordered some 21700 cells and wanted to run a NOR test on them with the Liitokala Lii-500 charger. Cells are yellow Lii-40A and purple Shockli 4550.

To my surprise, only one of the cells is getting discharged and analyzed (slot 1), while the second one (slot 4) literally became a sitting duck. It shows 4,2 volts, and nothing is going on with that one, not even the END symbol.

Is this normal? I even tried swapping cells and slots, but only one gets analyzed.

They sit at 4.20 for quite a while before the charge actually finishes

Seems this is the case. About one hour later, they both seem to be analyzed properly. Just the sitting period took rather too long.

yeah mine does the same thing , i also have one slot that refuses to charge anything ever and has been iffy from new… you get what you pay for i guess for the most part it seems to work

Right on, looking forward to the BLF charger in making. Also jamming those 21700’s into the Lii-500 is quite frustrating, already managed to damage the wrapper.

Lol, you are not alone.