Hello from Zagreb, Croatia

Hi everyone,

My real name is Roberto but my online handle is Nicba (shortened to Nick).

I just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks for all the content here, I’ve been reading it a lot these couple of days.

I got interested because I was looking for a flashlight for my grandpa and I guess just got pulled into the rabbit hole. I gifted 3 convoy S2+s already (to my mom, grandad, and brother), I have a personal one, and I just ordered a Q8 from Sofirn. I am really impressed by what flashlights can do today they are insane. I have a couple chinese zoomies, but both lack in quality and aren’t nearly as good looking.

Professionaly I’m technically an Android developer, but I’ve lately been doing C development and Devops for the company I work for, it’s been a lot of fun and I may change my career a bit. I’m 22 and just starting my Masters, and always looking for new things to play with and spend time/money on.

Thanks a bunch for reading!

I hope you have fun here, nicba1010!

Bok iz Karlovca :)

Bolje bjezi odavde dok jos imas para hahahaha

Thanks racoon city

Hahha, hi id30209, we are kinda close. I’m probably staying in Croatia because I will inherit a property in Velika Gorica (a couple ten thousand euros of refurbishing needed, but it will be worth it) and soon plan to start my own company (hopefully 2-3 years from now once I’m done with my masters, since a full time job + full time masters is quite time consuming). My current employer pays really well so I’m not in a rush to get anywhere and offers relocation to Germany if I want!

Do you like imitation crab legs and playing with model trains?



I do like imitation crab legs, though I have never played with model trains.

Welcome to BLF nicba1010! Convoys are awesome flashlights, good choice. :+1:

Welcome to BLF!

Hello nicba1010, welcome to BLF.

So you jumped in at the deep end and spent a considerable amount of money to start with.
Now you know what a lot of conversation with friends an neighbours are about.
We are not done just buying a flashlight, there are additional costs for batteries and chargers.
Though most people have €5 flashlights, they are open for thinking about a real light.
But when I talk about the additional costs, a lot of them run off to grab a beer (or two).

But in time you will learn that buying more lights lowers the additional cost per light :smiling_imp:

Ha, ha, ha.
No money, no funny.

Hi and welcome Nick. There’s a few talented programmers here.

Welcome to BLF!!

Hi and welcome to BLF nicba1010 much to enjoy here. I have family from Croatia.

Dobro kaže čovjek, bježi dok možeš!

Pa bi samo promijenio leću pa bi drugi driver pa bi drugu ledicu i na kraju…

… money finished.

Hey everyone sorry for not responding, it was my bday yesterday so no time.
NeutralFan I’m glad I made the right choice :slight_smile:
Yokiamy thanks :slight_smile:
Henk4U2 yeah there are a lot of other costs but to be honest for just a single flashlight it wasn’t that much. I got all of them convoy S2+es + 2x Panasonic NCR18650B + a 5.5 dollar liitokala charger.
MRsDNF hi :), yeah I’ve seen. I’ve actually been porting the flashlight fw repository to use CMake so I can build it on Windows, macOS and Linux with no issues.
bilakos10 thanks :slight_smile:
christoph hi :slight_smile: lemme guess, you are in Germany or Australia?
Mraz hahahahha

Welcome to BLF nicba! :student:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Welcome :slight_smile:

Nice to see more people from Croatia here :slight_smile:

Hey :slight_smile: I’m glad too :slight_smile: