Bulk Rename s/ware?

does anyone know of any free windows software that can bulk rename files?

I have a drawer full of music files and most are very similarly named it`s impossible to find what I want, so renaming them as Numbers would be better, then I can just catalogue those.

There’s probably many ways, you could try searching for a script file that could run through command prompt as well.
Looks like windows will do it automatically

pity, I`m only windows 7 :frowning:

You can still upgrade to windows 10 for free if want too, but thats a personal choice.

i have windows 7 and i just tested it works the same
just select all rename one and they all have the same name +(x+1)

I think this would be far more useful…


Thanks each! :slight_smile:

This worked great, Cheers!



try this FREE neat tool:

There is also Tag & Rename for about $30


I just throw together a perl script.

Once you’re done cataloguing, if you have a list of before-and-after, toss it to me and I can whip up a quick batch file (easy as falling off a toilet if done in ‘vim’) and you can rename them “right”.

Me, I like to create multi-level dirs,

artist → year + album → “01. First Track.mp3”



“Within Temptation” / “(2014) Hydra” / “01. Let Us Burn.mp3”, “02. Dangerous.mp3”, “03. And We Run.mp3”, …

For a 2 ceedee collection, tracks would be numbered 101, 102, 103, … for disc 1, and 201, 202, 203, … for disc 2.

This way, no matter how they’re sorted, they come out in-order.

‘’Bulk rename utility’’ works great.

Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

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