Looking for Cheap UV AA/AAA Flashlight

Hi guys. As title says...Looking for a cheap UV flashlight in the 365-400nm wave length for various uses such as looking for strains, urine etc....

I have found an inova that takes lithium cells and it might work out (on ebay) shipped for less than $9.

Any recommendations guys?

Don't have any suggestions for the flashlight but I would recommend grabbing some yellow & orange glasses to go with whatever you get.

I have a UV LED Listed as 1W 395~410nm & glasses really brings out a lot of fluorescence that is normally too overpowered by purple light to see at all.

Both yellow & orange is useful. Yellow doesn't effect your color vision as much but it doesn't always block enough purple for faint spots.

Uvex SCT-Orange $8.37 are really good & have a transmission chart that shows it blocks 200nm through 532nm. They are even used as cheap laser glasses by some people. Tho there are much cheaper safety or shooting glasses available.