Poll: Should We Do Away With Anonymous Rude Marks?

Cool looking cat Sb………

Smiley Button back to a No Go………. (TypeError: Cannot set property ‘disabled’ of null)

SB, I just briefly saw your test thread. I tried to respond to it, to help with testing. The “preview post cancels poll vote” issue I mentioned above was still present. But, you deleted the thread before I got a chance to tell you there.

Now try editing it with another picture. Make sure you preview your edit before you post it.

Aaaaah, no problem. You can just do what you can do. :slight_smile: … :+1:

Smiley Button working again………. :+1:

Very weird…… with all my last several post my vote has not been cancelled again as it was earlier several times.

My work is done here……. I am in over my head. lol

Smiley Button not working once again……….

If you can’t fix it, so be it. We all still have the utmost respect for you SB.

I get it but still think this is a valuable admin function. If it’s being abused then the admin can delete that option for the users who abuse the system. Having it out in the open just gives the trolls more ammo which could have a chilling effect on the use of the tool. I have a thick skin but I’ve seen too many sites succumb to flame wars etc. with otherwise cool people choosing up sides.

Maybe tie the rude button to senior members X # of years or posts.


Pretty close I’d say…

[video:]- YouTube

I was actually thinking that same thing and I saw your post.

Either way with it or without it. I do agree that maybe we should be able to know who clicked it. What you may consider rude another person may not give it a second thought.

Can you maybe add 1 maybe even 2 other possible answers?

I am fine either way, I have been rude (not in the forum) so it could happen, I would however like to know who said I was. I would either maybe need to apologize to that person or at least explain the contact of what I said. What one considers rude another my see it as fine.

So add maybe "Keep but with knowing who click"

And/or "I'm fine either way". lol

someone must be easily get triggered here :stuck_out_tongue:

Any thoughts on fixing the picture problem for the rest of us? :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed it for you. :slight_smile: The trick is to make sure the closing [/quote] is on its own line, not following the picture URL.

I still don’t know how to quote just a part of a post except to cut and paste it in between those quote marks in the tool bar, I always thought I could just highlight a section of a post and click somewhere in my box and presto quoted.
Nope… I’m dumb, but haven’t gotten a rude mark in a long time and the ones I had gotten I didn’t even know about until SB posted a link where I was able to see all my rudeness or perceived anyhow, now I’ve lost that link so I have no idea how rude I might be at any given time. Hopefully I’m never rude, certainly opinionated, but never intentionally rude, somethings are lost in translation I think so I think rude button is fine with me and if someone singles you out I know SB can find them if so requested as that happened to me last year, every post was rude for a month or so, told SB and somehow it stopped, and suddenly, weird… ?

I believe url’s and smileys need to have a space before and after them. Anything else, like punctuation or “/quote” is going to become part of it and break it. IIRC.

` is on its own line, not following the picture URL.

You cheeky bugger. Your reply almost had me hitting the rude button. :slight_smile:
My question was in relation to another problem you were looking into about pictures but I guess you knew that. :person_facepalming:

BLF must be doing something right… It’s not terribly uncommon to see new people show up full of venom, and then start behaving better within just a week or two. I also see comments now and then about how people came here specifically because they enjoy the friendly atmosphere.

It doesn’t mean conflict never happens, but underneath it all there usually seems to be a feeling that people are at least acting in good faith and trying to respect each other.

+1 TK! :+1:

Poll closed. Thanks for voting! BTW, I’m down to 4 rude points :slight_smile:

Unless your Aussie every thing i say is rude hahahaha