Did I get ripped off by a BLF'er?

The kid was American ?

That's sad. Seems like everywhere you go scams and flams. If only adam and eve would of left that apple alone. HEH.

Sorry to hear though, Troop. I would seek some sort of resolution through paypal.

I'll never understand people accepting getting ripped-off because they find the amount to be trivial. If you've got that much money, send it to me and I won't even BS you. Thieves should be nailed to the wall, whether its 5 pesos or 5 million pounds.

But hey, at least your thief isn't hanging out here posting like he didn't scam anybody.

Troop, looking at the thread you linked to, the seller was on BLF 5 hours, 6 minutes ago, so he's around (but before your post). Have you PM'd him? Send him a link to this thread, I would think he would want it cleared up.

Yeah, he hasn't posted since Jan 15th.

When it comes to "accepting" getting ripped off, it's all about time and aggravation. I'd put more effort into it if it was $100, hey, I could buy another TK41 with that.

Besides, I always believe that karma will have a way of evening things out.

I received a PM, requesting sale of the DRY spacers two day ago.

I hope he follows through. I'd be PO'd if I send payment and they don't ship within 1-2 business days.

he has time to post but not ship your item

Last seen: 5 hours 1 min ago....
send a message and email again no answer by tomorrow pull it. although his posts look real, a bit too REAL hmmm

Karma's funny like that. You always have the PayPal dispute option.

I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt, but wanted to post in case there were similar issues with other people here.

Boy I hope not. He pm'd me once. Seem like a nice guy. But I hope he is legit. I can't stand being ripped off. It sucks. And I don't take it lightly or any of my buddies being ripped off as well.

Come on Reflection. Do the right thing here.

It's the principle of the thing to me. Money amount isn't what is important it is about being a thief. I don't know what I hate worse a thief or a liar. Hopefully he will come through but it sure seems unlikely.

Maybe it's just laziness and failure to follow thru on things.

I have a guy at work like that, 23 years old and was a spoiled child.

He has no self motivation or internal work ethics.

Really too bad to hear, hope you get it soon.

The thing is I agree with Steve, that "I work 6 days a week" thing doesnt mean anything.

Once you take someones money you should send right away (that day), make the time before or after work - or tell the person in advance I cant take your money until I can ship on this date XX.

Who knows...at least with PP you have some recourse.

Just can't find the PayPal clause at the moment but if the sellers account contains no funds, you can win all the disputes you want and you will not receive a refund.

PayPal doesn't care about you and will only refund if the seller has money in his account, they're not going to reach into their billions to help you out.

I've been ripped of by unscrupulous sellers in the past.

Not to say the seller in question falls into this catorgry.

+ 1


I have received $ from people when I knew I would be out of town until Xxx date, and that said item will ship as soon as I get back. As a buyer I try to get a contact # if I come across the same thing, just for piece of mind. I really hope this gets worked out between you guys, and also that nothing bad has happened to the seller.

Yes of course, communication is always the best and can solve almost any issue.

Its when you dont hear from the other guy your mind starts to think the worst.

This is just my personal opinion, but I'd file a dispute right away. IMHO it's not ok to let someone rip you off because the dollar amount is trivial to you--that might perpetuate the idea that this sort of behavior will be tolerated.

Again, it's your money and I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but as far as the hobby is concerned I think it's best to not let this kind of thing go without recourse.

Your part of the KARMA now! PM reference to this thread—no contact—PayPal dispute. Think of your action as protection for the next guy.

That would probably enlight his reflection.

File a civilian pursuit case if anything.

The time needed to do that and the amount of carelessnes is stinky at best.