Clearly Convoy Holiday Giveaway Ended. Winners announced!

Count me in, my two L6’s (my wife commandeered the first one) need company. :slight_smile:

The Convoy model that I have the most of is the S2+ (in several colors), as it is a good size for being compact, yet giving a lot of light.


Nice light!! It L evates the Convoy brand. My favorite is my green S2+ in 4C. Thanks for the give away!!

That is one sharp looking clear L2!

Ok, let’s give it a try (remember i’m not a native speaker, so it might not be perfect)

Last month i had to celebrate
That over a year ago, I bought a C8
Luckily it is a Convoy
Which has given me lots of joy
Because it made me find Budget Light Forum
Which separates the good stuff from the scum
It feels great to be warmly welcome on this place
That is why i BLF embrace!

I really liked my C8
Since it was very great
My Convoy was very bright
Until, upon one night
I tried to mod it, but i failed
But then, i had it nailed
I got an excuse to buy new parts
And created some more sweethearts
My favourite is my S2+ triple 219C in blue
Convoy, i love you!


The Convoy I like the most…
possible the L6 - but the L2 with XP-L Hi is just a thrower-beast.
The S8, S2+ green , S2+ desert, S3 grey, C8 grey, L4, M2…
I pretty much love all of them. The tube-oney because they are easy to mod to triple-beasts, the M2 for the great look&feel, the C8 because… well… C8 :smiley:

So, I have a black L2 and a black C8 standing right next to a clear C8 and a blank spot where a clear L2 would fit perfectly. Save me from my OCD, I need a clear L2 to complete the pattern. Desperately.

Right now my favorite Convoy flashlight model is the BD06. Simple, solid, bright, and muggle-friendly. I’m giving some as Christmas gifts.

Despite having purchased quite a few of C8s, my favorite model is definitely the L6.
If I don't win the L2, I will probably dump my L6 in Sodium Hydroxide to compensate for the loss :P

Looks good.

I like anything that’s not black, so it stands out!

Have a red Convoy S2 in my sights for the next project build :nerd_face:

Bare aluminium (aLUminum? aluMInium?) look is really nice, my c8 is a clear version an also one of my S2+, which is my favorite Convoy host. An L2 could be my new 26650 favorite. Well, it definitely will be, because I don't have any yet

I'd definitely like to enter the giveaway

Who doesn’t like Convoy lights :innocent:

My favourite so far is the C8 (XM-L2 emitter for a nice balanced beam), but I certainly would love to try a bigger thrower like the L2!

Nice! It would make a good match to my clear Convoy C8’s.
Favorite model is a toss-up: C8 or S2+. Depends if I’m in the mood for throw or flood.

The clear anodizing looks great. another finish on the wish list

I want it ,I need it , Give it to me .I like my S2xml5C


I’m collecting. Of course I need one :wink:

I just love the green color on my S2+. Gonna stick green emitters in there too to match.

Clearly :stuck_out_tongue: i would like to participate in this gaw.
My fav convoy is the beast L6

I have two regular L2s, and would like a third one so I can seat it between the other two like a trio of Cylons.

Oh! Fave Convoys?

  • 365nm UV S2+ with ZWB2 filter, by far!

  • 4C S2+ with 60° TIR

  • XP-L HI C8

Of course I’m in. It’s a free flashlight after all. I have almost every convoy out there…L2’s, L4’s, L6’s, s3’s, s2’s, s2+’s, that are modded in every way possible: triplets, quads, direct drives, single modes, and every color tan, green, red, black & clear. Don’t have blue. I just love the versatility of the product.

Why do i want it? Just look at it! It is clearly the most badass looking Convoy light there is atm :sunglasses: (this play on the word clear is gonna get old realy fast hehe)

Out of the Convoy lights i have (L6, L2, M1, S2+) i like the L2 shorty the most. The proportions are just spot on.

Roses are red violets are blue, that L2 is cool, and I want one too!

Fav convoy(s) are my quiver of C8’s

I was good this year… Honest I was. Santa (Simon) please bring me a Very Pretty Clear L2.

Favs are
in that order

I would love to ” broken in ” to the extravaganza of ” LIGHT FORCE ” known as Convoy.

Convoy is reminiscent of Transformers Autobot Leader known as Custom Convoy or more commonly Leader Optimus Prime.

So what do Optimus Prime and Convoy lights have in common? Both leaders of their respective divisions.

Btw, Great finish. Cool platinum chrome luxury look.

Please accept my contest entry.