Did I get ripped off by a BLF'er?

I had a similar problem in Oz. Sent a bloke $250 worth of goods after he told me he had paid me. A few weeks later no money. A few txts and promises. Nothing. This bloke lived 1000k's away. I had a rather large tattooed bikie friend pay him a visit and I got the money. Sort it out because you never know who might knock on your door.

A large tattooed bikie friend would help quite a bit.

Just to put in my 2cents here (not 20$) dont do anything drastic like send people over to the guys house, things can escalate you dont want problems for 20$.

I know some people who know some people who have some people who like to break things in OK.

drive by strobing at his house! lol


that just reminded me of the time we got stopped by the cops because we were driving around town, at about midnight, w/ my big spotlight, and shining it in the windows of random houses (which obviously illuminated the entire room)

we actually talked our way out of any trouble

before you judge...that was in high school, nearly 20 years ago

Maybe he can call OK police and ask them to check the guy out because he hasn't heard from him since and worried something bad might have happened.

That is actually a good idea.

I hope you are all being humorous. We're talking about 20 bucks here. If the guy wants it that bad, I'm not going to screw with him, I'm not sending people to his house, I'm not going to harass him.

Now to the BLF-er that sent him $100+ in lights, you do what you want to do, but this isn't worth any more of my time. The guys a flake; just wanted to let all y'all know that, in case he tries to sell stuff here in the future.

Good call!!! You want it to be on the record you didn’t want anything bad to happen to him when he suddenly falls down the stairs and both his legs and arms and fingers and all of his toes are broken. Or he trips on the way to his car and his head bounces off the driveway about ten times…

The problem is that sociopaths don't stop at stealing flashlights from "friends".

He needs this on his record so that next time he does not get off so easy.

You guys' conversation reminded me of this! haha. "Make a couple phone calls tonight, especially around 10"


As troop said, It's not the biggest deal in the world. I have an incredible ability of finding people to screw me over on deals buying and selling things. It's amazing, but I'm used to it and at the end of the day they can go jump off a bridge and it doesn't really matter. I have met many friends buying and selling car parts, and I wouldn't trade any of them for all the stuff back I've lost to idiots.

You have his name and address - do you think he would like a tsunami of junk mail ... personally addressed :)

A simple and easy gift that keeps on giving. It will give you a warm feeling inside every time you think about that $20

Next time you win the Nigerian lottery, send his contact details.

Subscribe to "Jihad Today Magazine" and have it delivered to his house.

He might also enjoy "Gay Times" or "Bedwetters Journal".

I bet if he gets a pizza delivery from every joint in town he'll be very thankful.

You could always send the cops over to make sure his meth lab isn't going burn his house down. You know, let bygones be bygones.

Too late!

I'm with the OP on this one. Of course nobody likes to get ripped off but it's gonna happen to all of us at some point through law of averages. Whether $20 or $100, it's not worth putting yourself out over it and risking ending in court. UK - and I believe US - law is notorious for criminalising anyone who attempts to take any form of retribution, no matter how justified it may be.

And don't forget, this individual also has his victims' names and addresses as well as the other way round. No doubt Troop can look after himself in a fair fight, but do you really want to keep looking over your shoulder if this escalates? Not saying it would, but you never know with these things, and this guy obviously isn't playing with quite a full deck.

For what my advice is worth, I'd notify Paypal first. Doubtful you'd get any money back, but then, this isn't about that, and at least they'd be aware of his shady dealings for future reference. After that, why not just call the cops on him? Again, it may not do much good, but you never know what else they may turn up about the guy, and he may well think twice next time.

Of course this assumes that there really isn't an innocent explanation, though it's hard to imagine what that might be if he's still logging in here..

"Reflection" is currently online, last seen 8min ago, postcount unchanged.

My guess is that it wasn't the $20 that he was after, but this very thread that he is now enjoying.

Let's be lenient to him...