
Ordered as soon as this deal went live, still not shipped.


I already got two right before this group buy, but I’m so impressed I might get two more if the price is right! Thanks freeme! :sunglasses:

Was there a to-be-shipped date, by any chance?


please send me the code


Checking now. I was told this week previously.

Kewl. I might be conflating this with another gb (tk18, sc26, maybe something else entirely), and think I saw something to the effect of “ships on 06-##” or thereabouts. Looked at the pm, the OP, etc., but didn’t see anything to that effect.

Please send me the code. Already got one myself and she's a beauty so I need more.

May I please have the code? Thanks!

Thanks freeme, I ordered another one with your link! :+1: :sunglasses: I wanted to purchase several more, but the code is only valid once per customer, ugh…


Hi Freeme
I’m interested , Thanks

Ordered one

Group buy coupon got misused by someone. Will be replaced by new code soon.

What does that mean? That gearbest saw it posted up in public somewhere? I need a new code when available I was waiting to get paid before I order

It’s crazy, people sign up quickly enough to be able to take advantage of good price reduction and here code is leaked and available for everyone.
This is becoming more and more unfair, another offer where we aren’t gaining anything in advance, because in a moment the price for the “foreign” is identical …

freeme, You should do something with that

It means somebody, anybody saw it posted publicly and reported it.

I have been ripped off way too many time. Maybe it is a good time to speak to my attorney?
