Location in User Profile?

This was brought up in another thread, but how hard would it be to include the ability to put a person's location under their user name when they post messages? We seem to have a particularly diverse group here and it would be helpful in answering questions sometimes if we knew where they are.

We know where you are, and we are keeping an eye on you

yep lets do it :) if it is possible

I agree, it would be very interesting and useful, and may be I find a neighbour to drink a beer and talk about flashlights

Excellent idea brted!

Perfect. Good idea!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the suggestion! Yes, I know it's necessary. And it is possible to implement, but unfortunately I'm not the world's smartest programmer, and I would have to mess with the code a bit to make it work. So it's definitely on my TODO list. I wish this forum software had a quick point-and-click way of enabling different profile fields in the author pane.

I know next to nothing about Drupal so please disregard this if I'm off base here but since the forum interface seems to be theme-based, wouldn't it be possible to simply re-purpose an existing profile field? That is, of course, assuming that there are any disabled profile fields that could be used.

I don't think drinking beer requires a neighbor... does it ???

What kind of beer are we talking about specificlly ?