Sofirn C8F host. 21700 C8F Available

Door to door 8/25 - 9/22. Magnifique!

If you get it in September, that’ll be pretty good.

Once it gets the “processed through…” part, it’s pretty much incommunicado ’til you’ll get the “arrived ISC Los Angeles” email or whatever. Could be a week, could be three.

What do you think Sofirn could actually do? Pretty much nothing. You can call your local post office if you want.

My packages from China typically take two to three weeks. Occasionally it may take up to 2 months. Once it gets to the US it moves pretty fast.

Thank you Lightbringer and JasonWW. That both answers my question, and gives me confidence that this advanced technology will be in my possession soon enough. :beer: :+1:

Exactly. My new 21700 host is on the way to Mars via Theiranus and will probably be here sometime next millenium. :wink:

My friend in Dubai sent me a package today that will be here Wednesday. Go figure.

:smiley: Thanks to Dale

Like he said, once it hits “snailmail” it moves pretty fast, but it’s the barge coasting across the ocean that takes most of the time. That, and sitting on the docks in a cargo container, being packed/unpacked, etc.

I once ordered 2 lights from Sofirn within a day or so. First one must’ve just caught the tail end of the still-got-room barge and I got that pretty quickly, but the second one missed the boat, literally, and took a month or more.

“Regular shipments” across the ocean are pretty much “whenever the barge gets filled”. Neither Sofirn nor the USPS have any control over that. Talk to Maersk or whoever. :smiley:

Very helpful feedback :+1: :smiley:

@Sofirn any plane for single led 21700 c8 ? If so please re-design the head the old c8 style is boring.

They probably want to see if this new battery size sells well.

Do you like the 21700 and think it’s here to stay?

I could be wrong don’t think this stuff is going by sea. It may be sitting around waiting for an air container that has an extra few cubic inches at a reduced rate though. Or getting routed through various countries in order to arbitrage international post agreements.

Thank you eas :smiley: :+1:

For me, the longest delay is caused by packages sitting in US Customs - these cheap Chinese packages have the lowest priority, and US Customs is overwhelmed with all the little packages coming from China, so they sit, and sit, and sit…

Appreciate the feedback. :beer: :+1: :smiley:


Nice pics Johnkey. Did you see any glue?


can sofirn please make 26650 version as i have a bunch of these batteries.

Sorry, voting is over. They chose 21700. Now you have to start all over buying batteries in this new size. Lol