Review request for HKJ [Rechargeable Batteries]

Thanks. :+1:
Haven’t seen them for sale yet.

акб пришли быстро, это радует. Но у одного немного повреждена термическая оболочка, это расстроило , но не критично. Термическая оболочка и кольца со стороны “плюс” коряво натянуты , так что могу предположить, что это подделка, но только после всех проверок и тестов. Проверить сейчас не могу на ёмкость и отдачу тока, так как ещё жду imax b6. пришли заряженными до 3,2v. Буду изучать этот продукт и оставлю отзыв позже.

09 Dec 2018 23:57
Дополненные отзывы
Ёмкость оказалась чуть меньше 5000 mA/h. Покупать 2 штуки бессмысленно. Минимум 5 штук, так как моё балансирующее устройство идёт для 5 акб 100А. Придётся еще 3 покупать.

translation from Russian into English:

Akb came quickly, it pleases. But one had a slightly damaged thermal envelope, which was frustrating, but not critical. The thermal shell and rings on the plus side are clumsily stretched, so I can assume that this is a fake, but only after all the checks and tests. I cannot check now for the capacity and return of current, as I am still waiting for imax b6. Came charged up to 3.2v. I will study this product and leave a review later.

09 Dec 2018 23:57
Augmented Reviews
Capacity was slightly less than 5000 mA / h. Buying 2 pieces is pointless. At least 5 pieces, as my balancing device goes for 5 Akb 100A. 3 more to buy.

I always use the advanced post editor. The simple post editor cannot cope with web addresses consisting of special characters (like the ones at Henrik's site).

Since the advanced post editor can do nearly everything the simple does and much more, if I were sb56637 I'd unify the editor engine so only two choices would be seen in the drop down below: post editor and plain text.

The unified engine should be based in the advanced editor plus the good stuff missing from the simple one (like image width fit to screen, a working insert emoticon window, etc).

Yes, maybe most of you would cry for a little while but this is normal for newborns. ;-)

Cheers :-D

Advanced editor doesn’t work in my browser. So I type html tags myself when I need to.

I got 1/2 dozen, been available for least a few months, thought sold in a lot of places under the Vapcell wrapper, but they advertise them as VTC5D. They are right up there with the 25S - my tests get about the same performance, better than a VTC5A, least for me.

here in stock:

here also:

Grrrr…. I know… :wink:

That’s a feature that should be added to the simple editor then.

Is the Samsung 20S in the queue? It's supposed to be the top 18650 performer - would be great if you can get a pair to test. The 24S is also good but hard to find. I have a couple 20S's, think bought here, in stock:

20S is already tested:

You just made the decision for today’s review.

Thanx HKJ! Ohh, I see the Vapcell black 2000 is listed as a 20S for $8 here:, and the real 20S is listed at $5. Wow!

The 20S review is up.

That was fast! Thanx!

Edit: Yes, very close, slightly better than the Vapcell 2000 black. Discharge curves align well.

I have just recieved two of these 32650 LiFePO4 cells:
Tested with a HTRC B6V2 Balance charger at 2A discharge current they are about 6500mAh.
These will be used to replace a 6V / 4Ah lead-acid battery in a solar powered light (as soon as i get the 2S balance boards )

Dank u. :+1:

But that protection board doesn’t balance charge, i think…

Weltool ub-123a
3.0v micro-usb
Inr 16320 2.25wh

Newbie here and hello to all….

I have a collection of NiMh and for the price and availability, Ikea batteries are pretty good.

Henrik, did the EAIEP cells arrived? Just curious, I know super cheap shipping can be super slow but, by this time, they should be at home. :???:


Welcome newbie. This thread is for battery review requests for HJK but in time you will figure where to post what. Again, welcome to BLF!

Yes, but I have not tested them yet.

Can you do review of this usb rechargeable?