On 8th January 2011 BLF will be a year old!

Birthday celebrations will be in order.

Thoughts anyone?

Another draw? flashlight giving contest? (sorry for the bad translation)

Good idea!

I'll have a look around for a prize, anyone else want to find a prize?

I have a programmable Akoray K-106 I don't use, that can go in the draw.

Ufff the programmable k.-106 is a veeery desirable flashlight. Good prize for a draw!!!

Time for each of us to break out our two brightest flashlights (one in each hand) and go streaking around our perspective neighborhoods for at least one lap around the block! I might do two or three laps unless the police show up first.

Happy Birthday BLF, and congrats Mr. Admin!

For those unsure of how to pull off such a maneuver:




Don, you might as well run with that SST-90 Mag-Monster. Then you'll be signaling the ISS.

Party! Party! Party!

LOL at that http://www.wikihow.com/Streak-at-Night. Did not knew that fetish as a form of art. XD

Congratualtions BLF!

Perhaps since we are all or mostly all paypalers we can send like 2usd to someone trustworthy. The thread starter seems the right one. All who "donate" can partecipate in a big raflle. That way we can get a few greater value items and just instruct the retailer to which address the purchase goes.

Old school idea but always worked.

There's something exactly like that going on at FNF, just now.

Only problem is that it requires a PayPal business account to receive more than a small number of payments at a time. So time to check what the limits actually are. After some considerable time searching PayPal's less than helpful help I got an answer. On my account I can receive up to $3300 per annum (The year ends in March which is presumably the anniversary of my setting it up). I can receive about $3250 more till March which should be considerably more than enough.

I'm happy to do this if that's what people want.

I'm happy to do this if that's what people want.

Count with me!

Sounds like fun to me.