FW3A mod thread. Post yours!

How about colors rendition ?
Don’t you see a huge difference between a CRI70 XP-L HI and a 219B ? I’m a little worried for your retinas. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was planning to make a mold with an external ring and fill it with epoxy charged with glow powder and then use a guide (from carclo datasheet) printed on paper to drill holes.
The mold with magnets for making several is clever, this is the true CRX’s touch.

Where is the best place to get 90+ CRI 219B?

Guy called azhu (BLF name) or Andy Zhu on Facebook has it. But they are going fast and no resupply planed…:confused:

The Nichia 219B SW45K D220 (link to AnhTran’s sell thread) has a destinctive rosy tint that you may like or dislike but is something that every flashaholics into high CRI neutral white LED should try to have a reference point.
You could also wait for Clemence’s triple for Nichia E21A LED that will show up in his store one day.
Both will need an FW3A firmware modification to not burn LEDs.

You could also wait for the FW3A SST-20 4000°K that will have a different tint and colors rendition but with comparable high level of colors rendition than the 219B, if not slightly better but above and on BBL.

Swapped the leds of my FW3A to FA3 bin SST-20 leds that I got a few from to test from Texas_Ace. Really nice tint and 1550 lumen just before stepdown (10 or so seconds). (tint evaluation here)

It is a pity that this tint will not be freely for sale at the moment.

omg that glow in dark insert…

How would the Luxeon V2’s work in the FW3A?

I mean, can the V2s take direct drive? or will they die?
Does anyone have experience with direct driving the Luxeon V2 leds?

I have plenty of DD Luxeon V2 in my lights, mainly the L1V2-3070000000000 and the L1V2-5070000000000 (arrow.com). Not a problem. Best beam outcome was with tint mixing (3/4 and 5K mixed).
edit: all on copper dtp boards, of course

Thank you M3CSL.

I also have some 5000K V2 from arrow and really like them.
It’s good to know I can use them in DD.

FW4A I wanted the clip at the head for bezel up carry, opened the front bezel opening about half of what it was, tuned up everything, it’s pumping out over 4000lms in the T/A Maukka Tube. :+1:



Drilled out the legs on the triple for Ice Blue Trits for the wifes light, too cheap to buy them already done up, saved a few bucks, (BLF right?) I was thinking on doing trit’s for the quad too…. maybe….

Nice work KB. :+1:

Awesome KawiBoy!

It’s crazy, just an hour ago I was thinking about bezel up carry and how to mod/make a clip work for this. I was going to put it under the bezel ring but the threads are too large for the clip to slide over… I didn’t feel like diving into grinding out the clip today. Gotta get real stuff done today :person_facepalming:

KB, so is the quad sticking around now? Did you machine the bezel opening bigger for the quad?
The polished look is incredible


. Thanks everyone who commented too! :+1:

. Is it sticking around? Dunno… it isn’t done yet….

. I opened the lens aperture up about 1.5mm from stock with an air grinder and tootsie roll, then opened up the bezel bevel with a large chamfer tool in the drill press till it cleaned up, then sand/polished… the spot is a bit cleaner….left pic is the latest….what do you think…. better?

. I have a couple more idea’s I want to kick around, trits in the tail cap, finish the copper spacer in between the driver ring/7135’s to offset the signal tube and close the gap at the tail cap, more or less finish and fit….

Looks better.

In my opinion, the left (latest) beam shot is better than before. Looks a bit like a zoomie light in the medium focus setting.
I think you bring a lot of attention to detail and I am looking forward to seeing the end result.

There’s a big difference. That’s why I put 219B in it. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I also see a difference between older XP-L HI 3D emitters and the ones the FW3A uses. The older ones seem to look better, even side by side.

However, I’d still take this newer 3D tint over most of the SST-20s and LH351Ds I’ve seen. I haven’t tried a SST-20 FA3 yet though. I might like that one. And I haven’t scrubbed the AR coating off my lens yet. Still need to do that.

I’m curious. What is the appeal of bezel-up carry on a FW3A?

Usually I go for button-up carry. So, on the FW3A that means bezel down, and on an Olight S-Mini, it means bezel up. In both cases, it places the button right where I need it to turn on the light without flipping it around.

Not just the FW3A any light I carry… specially High Powered lights I carry…

I have had HOT Pockets before….Great Balls of/on Fire… Doing the Mexican Hat Dance in the middle of the Isle at work… ect. ect.

Too funny :smiley: