Do you have Asperger syndrome ?

NO!!! And iffn you don’t stop asking me…I’ll sic my dog on your assburger!

Mmmmmmm, assburger…


Just curious why Asperger syndrome was chosen for this survey. Seemed so random, with all the different mental health illnesses/syndromes out there.

I personally have two mental health illness diagnoses, but Asperger is not one of them.

The idea came from a post by a member who disclosed that he discovered late in life being affected by Asperger, i always suspected the proportion of aspies would be bigger in the flashlight hobby community than the general population.

I thought it could also help some undiagnosed people unaware of this condition to eventually understand what makes them different.

Cool! I can certainly appreciate that.

I know the feeling of being/feeling different. Sometimes what I say or post can be off the wall, but not in a bad way. Just off topic or out in left field, LOL. I’m a mellow person with “a beautiful mind” (referring to the movie).

So…. I’d like to be sensitive, and please feel free to call me out if I’m not.

A cursory google search brought back 1-2% of people on the autism spectrum and .05-.02 with aspergers, yet the poll is saying the prevalence here is somewhere between 23-43%.

Without making anyone who identifies as Neuro-diverse uncomfortable, is it worth asking if this hobby draws a particular group? Is this a known thing that I’m just unaware of?

I never forget a face. But I remember the names of all the dogs in the neighborhood but people? Forget it. Dogs are the superior species anyway!

I'm definitely diagnosed. ADHD along with it. Adderall worked until I started taking all 3 in the A. M. instead of spacing them out. Boom! Addict. No Adderall for you.

You're not alone-I'm pretty much the same. "Modernizing" the flashlight fleet is a case in point. Thank God I can do paperless on credit cards..

Energy is always an issue. Wife: What did you do all say?! Me: silence. (drinking enough coffee to kill a horse to try to get a kick start, that's what!)

Oh, and about wives.. wait'll she gets menopausal. That's when I started doing my own thing. I can't deal with the nagging over bullshit stuff any more.


I now believe that I do have Asperger Syndrome.

My family thinks that I do, too.

It was their concern that led me to research the syndrome.

I haven't been diagnosed, but I will see my doctor in about three weeks and tell him that I think I have it.

How would he check? See if your pee has a nasty stank to it?


That’s asparagus syndrome

Mmmm, I knew it was one or the other.

I don't know if my doctor will try to diagnose me or not.

For example, when I told him I thought I was non-24, he wasn't all that interested.

I think he's a great doctor, but he clearly doesn't care about every little thing.

“…. hear more about Asperger’s and autism…”

well, i answered no, only because i have met/known people with both.
this is what i know only through my experiences.

1. Autism. of course, it is referred to as a “spectrum”.
the ones i know require constant supervision.
as in, “danger to themselves and others”.

2. Asperger’s. sort of a mid-range diagnosis,
but that classification is fading away.
some people think of the movie Rain Man
as a fictional representation of symptoms.
personally, Asperger’s means awkward
and/or VERY inappropriate public behavior,
which appears to come-and-go suddenly.

3. High-Functioning Autism. in my opinion,
that depends on your definitions of High and
Functioning. the ones who i came to know
were fine in public as long as distractions
were minimized. i would not ride in a car
with them driving, even though two had
driver’s licenses in the recent past.

in all 3, repetition and resistance to change
are evident. i can vouch that these two symptoms
are definitely on a sliding scale or “spectrum”
which can range from silence to violence.

There’s nothing fun about ASD’s and seeing a bunch of random people uneducated on the topic writing stuf like “self diagnosed” is just sad. Not being a social person doesn’t make you “asperger”, stop it.

I looked up the symptoms of Asperger Syndrome, and I have a bunch of the symptoms, so I think I have it, thank you very much.

I see three fallacies in your post, nobody said that ASD was fun, from the data available in this thread you can’t infer that self diagnosed people are uneducated on the topic, and nobody said that having social anxiety means you have Asperger, to have Asperger you have to go to the grocery store as far as i know.

Thank you, JamesB!

You are much more articulate than I am, and I agree with your assessment.


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