Power bank that can be recharged fast.

I would prefer at least 2 ports of 2A each. Everything above that is a welcome bonus.

Dubbed as the “World’s Fastest Recharging Battery,” the Yakuma 10,000mAh portable battery recharges ten times faster than other power banks on the market. In as fast as 30 minutes, it can pack up enough power to fully juice up your devices multiple times

The Yukuma is seems to be out of stock on most shops.

More very fast chargers.
A complaint on Kickstarter IIRC, is that after a few uses it no longer chargers very fast.

RC battery + usb adapter?
Or battery from 18v cordless tool with usb charger. Power tool chargers are equipped with fan and batteries have sort of shroud for air circulation, that’s the reason why they can provide 5-6amps charging without overheating.
Probably, power banks with serial connection and spare higher voltage ac-dc charger do exist, but I’ve never heard about them.

there are many power banks with PD input 18-24W

But most likely you need a power bank with all cells in series and a proper balancing board for fast charging
Most power banks still got all cells parallel

I don’t want anything below 30W.

Above 12 volts isn’t allowed on plane.

Found a black Yukuma for e60 and two types of pink for e30

Yep, it’s going to be the next best thing. And before it is a lot of intermediate version I think.
Right now graphene power banks don’t exist because it’s very expensive. The graphene PBs we see now seem to have like 5% mixed in with old style chemistry.
So I wonder how fast pure graphene will be. And… what kind of charger can supply the explosion of energy to fill them :slight_smile:

Things may go fast, because Tesla and Panasonic are ‘playing’ with graphene. Flash: 150W USB-C power bank, powered by Tesla graphene batteries

Wouldn’t very rapid charging powerbanks have notably shorter life cycles?

Perhaps, but I don’t care :slight_smile:
I wonder how much shorter.
I also wonder if it’s the battery that dies first. My current PB is still good at charging, but 2 out of 4 charging points are physically dead.
The two recharging ports work fine but some cables fall out because the connector is wearing out.

BTW the graphene ones charge fast and have much longer (claimed) life.


60 Watt input. Shame efficiency is only 78%.

Would you provide more info?

What info are you looking for? All I know is what’s on that page, and I don’t know how accurate that is.

Anyway, that 30000mAh power bank has a 65 Watt output and more important in this thread, it recharges itself with 60 Watt, in about 3-4 hours.
I’m done waiting 6+ hours to recharge :slight_smile:

Because I have 2 & it fully charged within 4-4.5 hours & they have plenty of juice as well!!

How many mAh they are?


Found another one. 20000 mAh, recharges itself, with 60W, in 1.6 hours.
I think the 1.6 hours is overly optimistic comparing with other power banks.
A picture shows it has 8 cells, which works out at 2500 mAh per 18650.
Replacing them with 3500 mAh ones would bump up capacity to 28000 mAh.
I wish there would be empty banks for sale with top notch input/output ports….

They’re 3000 mah in fact I’m using the provided 100w cable plus 120w gan charger. It takes 3.5 hours per fully charge. If I use 65w gan charger it takes 4-4.5 hours!

I assume you mean 30,000 instead of 3,000?
Can you please provide me with a link where it’s sold?
Brand + type etc will do too.

I’m very interested in a PB that self-charges with over 60 Watt, because 60 is the fastest I found sofar.

Sorry for my typo. They are 30000 mah. I purchase white & black each 1.
Link: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000971433144.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dhtmdVF
Charges: 120W https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001218252042.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dhtmdVF
65W https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000237954145.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dhtmdVF
If you are not rush try to wait until 11.11. Prices may drop tremendously.

It’s strange the 100w charger charges faster than the 65w charger, because the power bank input is rated at 60w.
The only reason I can think of, is that the 65w charger delivers less that 60w. Or something goes wrong negotiating the power between the charger and PB.
Or less likely, that the input accepts over 60w.

Even found a 150w charger. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001411198892.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.71725cd0D6P1IW&algo_pvid=eaf3fdbd-41f4-47db-8d32-f3af66def6d6&algo_expid=eaf3fdbd-41f4-47db-8d32-f3af66def6d6-0&btsid=0b0a182b16018366972544030eda20&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602*,searchweb201603*