【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

No probs Simon - we can all get blindsided.

Smells like surströmming, sorry to say.

So who is going to dump the MCU's code?

I did notice a difference with mine but wasn’t sure if it was just a quirk with my build (used it in a photo red triple). When set to the five mode group, there seems to be a large jump between modes 2 & 3. My other Biscotti drivers have very linear mode spacing. Not really a complaint, just an observation.

I have a quirk in a 20mm “SST40” driver that I recently bought from your AE store. Between modes 1 and 2 there is a bright “pre-flash”. Is this normal? Anybody else experiencing this? It’s installed in an S21a running a triple XPL_HD from an LG M50.

Simon, what’s the order code (or at least CRI bin, the 16th digit which can be B, H, or U) for the XHP35 HI 4000K B4-40E?

I asked this to Simon nearly two weeks ago via message in AliExpress. I told him that, according to datasheet, a B4-40E should be U CRI code or CRI90+, whereas the D2-1A (6500K) should be H CRI code or CRI80+. Simon replied “uh, sorry, the LED I sell is not high CRI LED”. Confusing, I know.

This may be caused by a high internal resistance somewhere, or it may be a driver problem.

So, to amend the mistake, the post title should be changed… or not?


So, is it possible to buy s21a with biscotti?

Simon - no harm intended. No worries. We are all glad you are involved so much with us and listen. We just like to get the specifics.

That's all true - your listings never said Biscotti.

Again, you with the Convoy brand have been a long time major part of BLF - "quality at budget prices", could be your motto and BLF's.

I second that.
Myself I’m not a fan of Convoy lights because they tend to be too bulky for my preferences - but nevertheless there is no brand I respect more than Convoy.

Are the groups the same as biscotti? Noticeable PWM?

hodor, SST-40 drivers are regulated linears. Current is regulated by tuning the MOSFETs' VGS with the onboard sense resistor voltage drop feedback. PWM is thus senseless.

Oh right, wasn’t thinking, thanks.

yes, the driver is in production



it’s non-pwm,friend

I 3rd that

I love convoys whole attitude , Simon your great , and the convoy store I return to often to get drivers and leds for other projects , I have a few c8s and s2 , c8 is good for forests and fishing
S2 with 350 tube is so nice , I’m gonna order some more 350 tubes , and a triple in a 350 size is perfect
Keep up the good work

Simon, will the driver for xhp35 and single cell also be available with Biscotti?