SKILHUNT Requires and AliExpress reviewers.

Hello, everyone.

Thanks for your attention.
If you want to review SKILHUNT products on or AliExpress. Please email contact .


Thank you.
Have a nice day !

PM sent.

Email sent!

Sent email for Amazon, thank you.

Email sent for Aliexpress reviews. Thank you.

Email sent.

Email sent to Ali address.

Email sent for AliExpress and Amazon.

Thank you,

Email sent for Amazon. Would love to do a detailed review.

The SKILHUNT M200 and M300 are the new models listed on their website here.

Email sent, and accepted the offer for the M200 Amazon review. Just search for SKILHUNT M200 on Amazon. They are probably seeking a few reviews, so maybe more available.

I have an old H15, bought via a BLF group buy here, and have been very impressed with the quality. I think I have another SKILHUNT EDC somewhere, gotta locate it - might have simply forgotten bout it or was gonna be a difficult mod.

Guessing this is one of those buy the light, post a review and they pay you back deals?

Only if they deem it a good review…

Its one of those buy first, review, and if we like it get % off, or possibly for free type of thing.

Not quite, wrong on all accounts above.

Direct quote: “Leave a review on AliExpress and we will give you 30% off.
If your review is great, we will consider it free.”

But that does not imply it has to be favorable. They specifically told me that they are looking for quality reviews long in length.

Make sure your review is positive, otherwise they won’t ask you again

At least, thats my experience :wink:

Dunno where that quote is from. I gotta direct quote: "I'll review as I please". that's me

Guess Amazon reviews are more valuable.

Email from Skilhunt to me.

Oh, ok. I think there's some judgment involved here. My deal is very different. They must be doing different things based on Amazon and Ali, plus based on the judgment of the potential reviewer, and type of review expected, how far in depth the reviewer goes. That's the only way I can explain it.

I don't care if they never ask me again to review another light. In fact I'm probably in that situation with a couple vendors. I've been critical of several vendors both publicly and privately. I've even been accused by some vendors of working for a competing vendor because of my criticism (that was private).

Btw, when they say "your review is great", that could mean different things, obviously. Great in detail, great as a true unbiased viewpoint, or great in meaning the flashlight is great. I don't think any vendor told me to write a positive review and you will be compensated. I stopped posting reviews on sites like BG because all that time&effort goes for naught because they refuse to post it if not 100% positive - that got very frustrating...