The Daily Joke Thread

Reminds me of this one that was mostly funny because I had a nephew who thought it was hilarious when he was about 5.

There were two muffins sitting in the oven.
One says, “Man, it’s getting hot in here.”
The other one says (shocked) “Aaah! A talking muffin!”

Deer Turrets

When my great grandfather designed the Titanic and it hit an iceberg and sank, he didn't sit around moping. He took those lessons to his next job designing airships, and he made the Hindenburg completely iceberg-proof!

Battle Stags!

Man and wife are sitting in front of the TV. Woman watching some show. Man reading a paper.
Suddenly the man says: OMG, I’m reading men in can earn $50/pop for sleeping with women.
The woman pulls out a calculator and says: since when can you stay alive on $45.83 per month?

PS I won’t reveal where is. Too afraid you get there before me.

Posting any more jokes that aren't funny ... will be dealt with severely.

What do you call a naked woman on the beach? Sandy

What do you call a woman with one leg shorter than the other? Eileen

What do you call a man who’s accident prone? ……………………AL

Huh? I don’t get it.

The monkey without a hat ate part of a pickle that was found in the shower of a gym...

which is extremely gross...

and hilarious!

Ummmmm, okay, I’ll take your word for it.

Must be that New Humor…

At a funeral the grieving widow asks if anybody would like to say anything.
A man in the congregation stands up and walks to the head of the coffin, says “plethora” and sits down again.
” Thank you” said the widow, “it would have meant a lot to him”.

A photon is going through airport security. The TSA agent asks if he has any luggage. The photon says, “No, I’m traveling light.”

Two men and one woman were stranded on a deserted island.

After two weeks the woman was so ashamed of what she was doing, she killed herself .

Two weeks later the men were so ashamed of what they were doing , they buried her .

Two weeks after that the men were so ashamed of what they were doing , they dug her up .

I never used to think I could be turned on by population statistics.

Then I came to my census.

What is the difference between a terrorist and an Italian wife ?

You can negotiate with a terrorist !

My friends are great, they're always there when they need me

Q: What do you call a religious person who says the world is coming to an end?
A: A crackpot!
Q: What do you call a secular person who says the world is coming to an end?
A: An environmentalist!