2000k flashlight

Summertime when you’re swarmed by bugs outside, you’ll be wanting something in the infrared. :laughing:

Yep. I have a Skilhunt H03 with 2000K E21A, and I can confirm, I receive half amount of incoming insects compared to my other headlamps :slight_smile:

So this is actually a tough call. While most flying insects can not see into the red spectrum, some species of moths can see into the red spectrum and seem to be attracted to red light. I really don’t understand why people hate moths so much that they use UV bug zappers, which generally mostly kill moths and nothing that matters to us. Horrible things, bug zappers. They do nothing to help us. Moths are kind of cool, nighttime butterflies, and some of the big ones are truly beautiful. I sort of wish we could all let them be. So the only flying biting insects that matter to us (not counting noseeums, which are just annoying and don’t leave welts) are mosquitos, which cause all kinds of problems beyond an inchy welt, such as spreading Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, malaria and whatnot. Mosquitos can see red, but I would not say they are necessarily attracted to red… but they are actually attracted to infrared; they see it coming off our skin and know there is a meal there. So, really, the only solution is lower light levels from yellow to red, the point being that lower light levels don’t attract as many bugs from as wide an area, and using light shifted to that spectrum, most bugs aren’t attracted to it. But really… we just don’t care about those bugs. We really need to somehow end to extinction, wipe off the face of the earth, all of the biting mosquitos, and leave the non-biting mosquito species be. The only thing that works against mosquitos that you can take camping is repellent on the skin with DEET, horrible, but it does work. But that just repels and prevents you from getting bit when properly applied. The one thing that works the best against mosquitos, lowers the population in any area massively by killing them, is the right mosquito pheromones with a CO2 trap, and that works pretty good, but you hardly ever see them used. There are projects working with AI targeting low yield IR lasers, some that burn the wings off them, but this is not only kind of morbid, there is a real risk of, you know, blinding people that happen to walk into the laser killing field. The lasers fire far faster than the blinking reflex and can do some damage in that short time period.

That laser-thingy sounds like something I’d try building…

This is one of the mosquito laser projects, the original I believe

but I just read about a new project (oops. same group, more advanced detection, tracking & striking)


That’s so cool. I can tell you it doesn’t take long to kill a mosquito with a 6 watt blue laser. If one of those little guys is zooming around my room I put on good safety goggles and blast it

Hmm, if they’re “good safety goggles”, how do you see the beam to target the little f’ers? Use The Force™?

Haha well you can see a very dim dot. I turn the lights off in the room and then crank my Nitecore headlamp to turbo. I can’t imagine how ridiculous it looks

I like to think it’s a fairly humane way of ending the mosquito’s existence.

Just received my RoxyVon Aurora A9 Copper w/ the Nichia 219C LED with 4500K neutral white tint and 90+ CRI. When I fired it up in the basement, it was “whiter” than I expected until I compared it side-by-side with a 6500K light. Looking forward to trying it outside tonight to see what the high CRI thing is all about!

Now that it’s 2021, what are the options for a 2000K flashlight?

With all of the options Convoy makes available, have they ever offered it? Lately, I’ve been using an S2+ with SST-20 at 2700K with a 45-degree optic. It’s wonderful. It leaves me wanting to try a warmer light. I’d love to get a pretty 2000K light in something like the S21A with an orange peel reflector.

Hank offers the D4v2, KR4 and K9.3 with 2000K E21A.

Simon doesn’t offer it but I have an orange S2+ with 7135*1 driver and E21A 2200k single and 85 degree optic. It’s a really great bedtime light. In a few weeks I’ll be upgrading that to a 2000k and it will then be perfect!

Also have the Emisar D4V2 in 2000k, and awaiting a Noctigon KR4 in 2000k.

I absolutely love my Fireflies NOV-MU with 2000K E21A especially with the 22430 short body.

Man I’d love for Hank to offer a 2000K headlamp for walking around my house at night. I have the 2000K in a 9.3 and a Noctigon KR4 Ti+Copper

Howbow a necklight? I got one of these


and find myself “wearing” it more’n any headlamp anymore.

Amber/NW/CW selectable, as well as brightness, L/R channels work independently, so you can have amber/brightest on the left, and NW middle brightness on the right, left/right/both as you want.

Pretty nifty.

Wow dude that looks sweet! Couldn’t resist ordering one, especially with an $8 off coupon


Man this neck light is sweet. I didn’t expect such great build quality. Not sure I agree with the business practice but it included a coupon to get a $10 amazon gift card if I post a 5 star review.

Only thing is it’s a little uncomfortable on the back of my neck when I’m sitting on the couch. I might add some foam where it hits my neck. Tried flipping it upside down

Yeh, even going down the basement, I can just grab it and go, hands-free.