Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

The way I look at it, if Hitler rose from the dead and told me it’s raining out, and I poke my head out the window and sure enough get drenched, then he’s right.

I don’t have to believe other things that he tells me, but if he says one thing, and it’s verifiable, then in that one case he’s spot on.

It might be his “opinion”, too, that it’s raining out, but if it’s news to me, then great, I can use that tidbit of knowledge and scoot out and close my car windows.

The alternative, of course, is to dismiss anything’n’everything he says, and come out tomorrow to a car with a drenched interior.

No dog in this fight. Never read the thing but if it is as NH says, why would you be there in the first place? It’s like the old saying about voting, “I don’t vote, it only encourages them”. Or ” a broken clock is right twice a day”.

I certainly agree with the premise that if there is a verifiable fact it doesn’t matter who said it. It is all about the fact. Nothing in that convoluted stretch of an article would rise to the point of fact in support of the premise. The author blasts a science magazine for publishing an editorial. (e.g. Hitler) Attacks opinion while offering nothing of factual evidence as to misplaced science.

He even goes on to argue that doctors should be allowed to practice opinion rather than science! Verifiable fact that guns are a cause of death. Doctors who acknowledge that fact are being politicized anti-second amendment. Insanity.

One of the saddest things I’ve ever read:


It is sad. Everything is fake or fraud. The country has been handicapped by a barrage of lies and conspiracy crap. It is like a cult. We all need debriefing.

I’m rather amused now, because there are diatribes about Goggle and Facebroke and other “news sources” that choose which stories you see based on your preferences/history, letting people feed upon themselves to build a biased and increasingly insular worldview, and that’s “unhealthy”.

Ie, if you’re red or blue, all the stories spoon-fed to you are from similar red/blue biases. If you’re pro-Truden or pro-Bimp, you’ll get more stories about them (or against the other), so that colors your news sources to a rather limited worldview. Our guys good! Their guys bad!

Hell, the feds are trying to break up those companies in the interest of “fairness”.

And now because some paper is put out by people who go and do Chinese yoga or meditate or whatever, you get poopooed for even looking at their newspapers.

Oh, but increasingly politicised “science” mags are unbiased. Uh-huh.

I get the feeling that people not only don’t know what they want, but are of the mindset that they’ll demand one scrambled egg and one fried egg for breakfast. Then when they get it, you’ll get a dirty look.

“What??? They both cooked to perfection!”

“You scrambled the wrong egg…”

That last one is funny. I think we know the real truth from the fake truth though. If you don’t believe it, just ask me. I’ve been wrong once.

Just like I think it was Bill Cooper who said, “Read everything, but believe nothing, not until you check it out for yourself.”.

Set your dehumidifier to 60 percent.


common mask protocol violations:

pic is a link

Reminds me of this:

I don’t believe anyone in this thread has criticized anyone else for looking at a newspaper, or criticized the newspaper itself, because the newspaper is put out by people who do yoga, or meditate.

This is what we’ve really said: in response to members posting links to articles from specific news sources, some of us have pointed out that some news sources are more biased than others, and we’ve recently given examples to demonstrate why we are skeptical of the information published by one particular newspaper. Above, I gave numerous examples showing that one particular newspaper is very biased and has published a relatively large amount of false information compared to other newspapers.

Companies in the USA don’t get broken up because they are “unfair.” They get broken up very rarely in the USA in the last several decades, but when they get broken up it is because the market power controlled by the company at issue creates a situation in which the market can’t work right - resulting in a loss for society due to problems like prices that are too high, and output that is too low to clear the markets efficiently. That kind of market power also creates barriers to entry into the market, which can also result in a loss for consumers and the society as a whole.

I Asked Dr. Fauci


This pandemic has confirmed my belief that Homo sapiens is the craziest and most irrational life form on planet Earth.

Think of the human brain as being two people.
The most powerful is the sub-conscience. If it’s needs are all met, the conscience is allowed to take control. But the sub-conscience never stops monitoring everything.
Example? Imagine you are researcher, alone at an arctic outpost when your find yourself needing surgery. You take some pain killers and prepare for surgery. But as you prepare to cut into yourself, you sub-conscience sees your intentions and fights back hard. You try to convince your sub-conscience it is necessary for your survival, but he just doesn’t have the capacity to see past the immediate here and now. Will he understand? Depends on the person. But most likely not.

If you apply this to politics, you can see how the sub-conscience craves identifying dangers. It’s your sub-conscience that is watching the nightly news, not your conscience. Your conscience is just along for the ride. Maybe helping translate for the master.

> when you find yourself needing surgery

It’s been done:

On this day in medical history: Self-surgery in Antarctica

Good find. Yea, I read about him in high school. I based the example on him. You have to admit, not many people would have successfully removed their own appendix.

Also up for Google grabs, there is a religion that believes a human is an animal possessed by an alien conscience, or something like that.

You are 100% right, peer reviewed journals have been the only way to minimize conflicts of interest and ensure some level of objectivity. The case I was referring to is a total BS field of research anyways, not medical research. And the journals that were involved were mostly pay to play journals. And one of them keeps having regular issues with objectivity and they keep cracking down on people who abuse the pay to play scheme .

On another note, I heard something ridiculous that the most quoted news source on TV is Twitter.

How do you guys calculate mortality rate? I am looking at this CDC chart - Death rate by County-level Population Factors

I chose some of the data points in the last 30 days, that show some particular groups and deaths per 100,000 in the last 7 days:

North Dakota Non-Metro 2.5-3.1
North Dakota Metro 0.9 –1.41
Non-Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native 0.91-1.18
65 or older 0.46-0.50
Average Household size Low 0.5
Average Household size High 0.28

Over 900 of the staff at the Mayo Clinics in the Midwest currently have COVID-19

93% of those were reportedly infected outside the clinic, the remainder were believed to have been infected in the break room.

:person_facepalming: What makes people in the midwest more likely to be infected?
The CDC data I looked at, showed that Rural “non-metro” areas have much higher case numbers and deaths than populated “metropolitan” areas.