Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Was interesting to learn of how some of the tests are so far off. However, the article cited makes conclusions that are simply not grounded in reality.

Another example of people who believe that the whole thing is a hoax. Mass graves and temporary morgues in many places yet somehow it is just faulty testing and there really isn’t a problem? The damage being done to our health care system and especially the health care workers by the spreading of such misleading information is beyond cruel.

I'm not in a high-priority group, so I won't be getting a vaccine for many months.

I hope that by then we'll know which vaccines are truly safe and effective.

>lifesitenews. <=== mediabiasfactcheck

Gasp! Why, they make it sound like publishing the accuracy data is a bad thing.

The RPMs are high on this one.

Claims like this, particularly, stand out as bad journalistic spin:

WTF? Of coure there are more false positive results reported when there are more tests performed. The percentage of false positives doesn’t change though the total adds up…
That has nothing to do with the accuracy, admittedly low, of the rapid test method, which is characteristic of the individual test being used, not the size of the population being tested.

Backing slowly away from the keyboard ……

Looks like my source I quoted is a good one:

I guess I should check mediabiasfactcheck before I post a link to an article.

=== in other test-related news:

Ha! Whoever he is, I like him!

That’s from:*ni*=0&*nsrc*=4&*snid3*=14611666228&*tiids*=16309582


Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

And: Wodarg/Yeadon EMA Petition Letter

That was me. I called him last February and we agreed wiping out the humans would be for the best.

savethewildlife :slight_smile:

Yeah, in particular some kind of humans… :person_facepalming: :smiling_imp:

Josef Mengele would be proud of you.

My alarm clock in the morning is Angel of Death by Slayer :beer:

EDIT: I am trolling :beer:

Although my above statement is true!
It is my second alarm after “Feeling Good” by Michael Bublé!


Forced COVID vaccinations violate UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights


I just don’t understand how you can promote stuff like that. According to that article thousands of women have already been sterilized. That is crazy. From what I can tell the Dr that made that remark was talking about the vaccine sterilizing the virus not women. That interview was done in August. His latests comments are that the vaccine will allow life to return to normal soon. Having 70% of the population sterilized would certainly not be a return to normal.

They also quote Dr. Michael Yeadon demanding all trials to be stopped. On Nov 28th he said that the pandemic is over! No need for vaccines because the pandemic does not exist!!! Tell that to the people overwhelmed dealing with it!

These same people twist reality to claim that something that is very real isn’t. I have a close friend that is a vascular surgeon. The stress and workloads she is dealing with now are certainly not fake or a hoax. It is disgusting to promote such damaging misinformation!

One of the other false narratives being promoted is that the temporary hospitals set up to deal with this are fake. They take a real picuture and flat out lie about it to get people to believe the false narrative that is being promoted. Watch this:

Snopes has made available an extensive discussion of the “fetal tissue” claim, just to close that loop:

Snopes, a real bastion of credibility they are.

You got me wondering about Snopes. Didn’t sound too bad

You can evaluate a fact checking site by seeing whose toes they’ve stepped on, and who’s pissed off at them.

Thanks for that link, hank. :+1:

Funny, I saw that and immediately thought of the SG1 ep, “2010”, and whaddya know…

Damn that Melon…