Should we have yet another GB for BLF-348?

If I ever find the 3 extra NIB ones I got (219Cs, I think), I’ll let youse know.

Wasn’t a fan of the hair-thin threads, either.

They were nice in theory, but I never “got into” them like others did.

Those were my fav ones with that emitter, shoot me a PM if you come across them and want to sell me one (or more)

thread started in 2016

is anything going to actually happen?


Seems dead, unless we really bug the right people. As of now, I don’t think they are paying much attention. Plus, you can get a Singfire clone for like $16 or something like that, but with a lame xpg3. You could swap it for a 219 though.

GB was in 2016, so now the attendees need more lights :wink:

And the (creator of the GB) is aware of the increasing interest:

There’s a Singfire sf-348 (with a pretty awful green xpg) for $7 available at fasttech:

I bought one and put a 219b in it and its lovely

Does anyone know of a replacement driver for this which has more than one mode and still can take NiMH and 10440 batteries?

I saw the SF-346 on there. Bigger reflector? Wonder how that one is.

I want to buy one of those, but how difficult is it working in that small 12mm head? I have swapped LED’s in my ~19mm xeno e03, and that was tight . I don’t know if I can not ruin stuff in such tight quarters… :person_facepalming:

I’d be interested in a few.

Its quite straightforward, the mcpcb heats up really quickly so its easy to solder

I’d be in for a few

I’m not sure. outside of the sleek metallic look, the Sofirn C01S is bi-level and has a better price point.

That is the reason I bought the 348 :slight_smile:

This is my daily tasker light. Unfortunately I tend to lose them.
I specifically like the high CRI, serviceable switch (but would prefer a forward clicky), aluminum finish, and the pocket clip.

Even without improvements, i would buy 3 of the original BLF-348s right now.

I hope this comes to fruitition

Me too… :white_check_mark:

Me too… too… :smiley:

I’m torn. I ordered a bunch when they first came out - they were cool-looking and made neat giveaways. but now I’ve discovered Sofirn, and especially the C01S. I like the multiple light levels, and the price has been a couple of dollars less than the BLF 348. If I was still wearing a suit or a shirt and tie to work, the 348 is a classier looking light the would look good in that environment. Now that I am out of that environment I appreciate the L-H of the C01Ss, and they just feel like they are more sturdy and with a more substantial clip.

Bottom line, while I liked the BLF-348 I’m not likely to purchase another.

Thanks for that tip, that light just might do it for my needs.

When and where do they go on sale usually?