Image Boss! (no politics, no sexy pics) Have fun. ❤️

Just when I thought the photos of extended effect couldn’t get any more subtle than Robin Dobbie’s shoreline pic, along came Northbeard’s offering. Can’t even see his photo. Now that is subtle! :smiley:

That is only possible with modern performance photography. Incredible picture.

First time I’ve ever seen a flock of jets! :slight_smile:

All great entries as always, thanks - but it has to go to Durdle Door beach which is about 15 miles from me, Hank 33 is close behind. Take it away Robin Dobbie! :+1:

My cat’s name is not “Wrigley”…
(Bonus flashlight content visible too)

Its the cheesy but surprisingly effective device plugged into the wall outlet…. “plug-in light that turns on when power goes out”

Plug-in emergency flashlight

Yep, the pic almost looks Photoshopped, but I think it's real.

By the way, "funny pics" is so broad that I decided that I would narrow it down to just "funny animal pics."

So if I get a chance to post a third pic, it'll be of another animal.

Disturbing…? Possibly…


I actually didn't find that pic until just before I posted it.

I'd like to see images of cute animals.

Any non-humanoid animal is fine, and the animal doesn't even have to be real.

Damn, dat just creepy…

I like celebrities without teef.