Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Seems a lot like all the bad ones somehow end up in eastern Europe / Balkans.

I know that Sputnic V is used a lot in the Balkans, and chinese vaccins. Of those vaccins, the trials and reports are dubious and influenced by politics and so their effectivity numbers (and safety, but I doubt that any goverment would release clearly unsafe vaccins to the public) are uncertain or even not published. Their effectivity will eventually be found by the actual large-scale vaccination programs with them, making the world one big trial. It does not mean that they are bad or unsafe though, just that they fail to do proper trials and tell us that.

I just got the Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Theta and the Lambda variants just by watching the news.

So true. Just saw the Japanese mudslide on the news and now I’ll have to change underwear.

The Epsilon Variant burrows right through masks and makes them useless. You’ll need 3 “top-up” vaccines now, or it’ll kill ya dead. :open_mouth:

It’s the next Big Scary, and it’s coming for you!

My swords and my flashlights are ready to fight even the strongest variants, including Epsilon and the future ones…
I’ll wear 5 or 6 masks from now on, thanks to the advice of our beloved world class expert Fauci and the other heroes.

and I already had the 4 vaccines from these very reliable companies with great reputation: Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Modern-RNA, and J&J with high quality asbestos in it…

I’m not afraid anymore from covid or any corona virus. I’m totally immunized now.

I got my bobofett helmet and blaster, so I’m set.

UK must be on another planet . Look at the numbers from their own report : . ( page 13-14 )
Among 54k unvaccinated delta variant cases, 44 died while among 7k 2doses vaccinated cases, 50 died . This between february first 2021 and 21 of june .

My internet isn't working very well right now, but check out this site (that I cannot access)

They are right about the absurd claims . But one fact remains, deaths with 2 jabs do occurs at a higher rate than acceptable .

And who told you that the vaccines would be 100% effective?

I'm just glad that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are extremely effective and safe.

So the numbers say the jabs cuts the variant by 1/8 , But if you catch it anyway you have 1/140 to die vs 1/1200 unvaccinated . No death prevented here . And do you consider futur problems while the unvaccinated infected benefit from a MUCH better defense as it was valid science before this burocratic takeover .

From the Public Health England Technical Briefing (link)

All so more to be vigilant and keep the distance. The Delta variant is more virulent and even if vaccinated, you may be infected.

Please Sid, take the numbers in context . A hundred deaths from a cold is like nothing for the UK . The damage from the fear that you seams to propagate is what kills peoples .

Hey, go ahead. Knockdown the science and take your risk.

If you feel it’s overblown, perhaps you already have a bias before examining the numbers and the nations that do impose distancing and other preventative measures. At first glance, the study seems to suggest the vaccines are not preventing more deaths. But not being a statistician or expert in the field, I don’t read or follow the news media as to be either alarmed or just instigated falsehoods. The sources I rather have are from Dr. John Campbell - epidemiologist.

Besides, not a tribune to debate such.

Are you serious ? Peoples pretending to be defending science are silencing any dissenting views . You see, real science is where you make a theory and then you try to brake it . The propaganda is so tick that even with data from the culprits, you don’t inquire . You talk about my bias ? You pretend that you do not follow the subject but you deliberately make a post calling for fear on a non related site, and calling me that it’s not a good tribune ?

That is rich. :person_facepalming: :wink:
“The (so called) Science” of COVID we all hear the “experts” touting is an absolute joke at this point.

“The (so called) Science” is so convoluted through politicization, lies, deception, smoke n’ mirrors, adherence to an agenda, & in many cases just outright stupidity… in most cases it no longer resembles anything valid or even slightly worthwhile.

Dr. F has been wrong more than right. Changing his positions sometimes on a daily basis… as well as outright lying to the public about the CV on numerous ocassions.

Personally, I would not trust him to treat my dog… if I even had one.

REAL Science does NOT mind being questioned or entertaining other theories & possibilities.

JUNK SCIENCE cries foul when questioned.

You want to hear some real unpoliticized Sciece, do some research about what Dr. Robert Malone has to say. There are many others too, but Dr. Malone is a good place to start, since he actually among other things invented the mRNA vaccine process.
Research what he says about all this if you dare…. :wink:

Serious, i don’t follow you . It is like data shows you it has little effect but a lot of side effects and posssible futur effects . Do you hate your fellow human that much ?

I prove you that your numbers are fakes and you call me on your supposed honor ?

Hey, I missed that development. For all I know, science is getting better, more influential, more relevant and more essential by the minute (i.e. recently science provided unprecedented effective vaccines, that is giving, at least the fortunate ones, like all people in the US, a lucky ticket out of the corona crisis). There is tons of good useful science going on and it is very easy to find.

There is pulp information too, easily recognised and debunked. It is completely bonkers to me why so many people go for that?