Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

They are right about the absurd claims . But one fact remains, deaths with 2 jabs do occurs at a higher rate than acceptable .

And who told you that the vaccines would be 100% effective?

I'm just glad that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are extremely effective and safe.

So the numbers say the jabs cuts the variant by 1/8 , But if you catch it anyway you have 1/140 to die vs 1/1200 unvaccinated . No death prevented here . And do you consider futur problems while the unvaccinated infected benefit from a MUCH better defense as it was valid science before this burocratic takeover .

From the Public Health England Technical Briefing (link)

All so more to be vigilant and keep the distance. The Delta variant is more virulent and even if vaccinated, you may be infected.

Please Sid, take the numbers in context . A hundred deaths from a cold is like nothing for the UK . The damage from the fear that you seams to propagate is what kills peoples .

Hey, go ahead. Knockdown the science and take your risk.

If you feel it’s overblown, perhaps you already have a bias before examining the numbers and the nations that do impose distancing and other preventative measures. At first glance, the study seems to suggest the vaccines are not preventing more deaths. But not being a statistician or expert in the field, I don’t read or follow the news media as to be either alarmed or just instigated falsehoods. The sources I rather have are from Dr. John Campbell - epidemiologist.

Besides, not a tribune to debate such.

Are you serious ? Peoples pretending to be defending science are silencing any dissenting views . You see, real science is where you make a theory and then you try to brake it . The propaganda is so tick that even with data from the culprits, you don’t inquire . You talk about my bias ? You pretend that you do not follow the subject but you deliberately make a post calling for fear on a non related site, and calling me that it’s not a good tribune ?

That is rich. :person_facepalming: :wink:
“The (so called) Science” of COVID we all hear the “experts” touting is an absolute joke at this point.

“The (so called) Science” is so convoluted through politicization, lies, deception, smoke n’ mirrors, adherence to an agenda, & in many cases just outright stupidity… in most cases it no longer resembles anything valid or even slightly worthwhile.

Dr. F has been wrong more than right. Changing his positions sometimes on a daily basis… as well as outright lying to the public about the CV on numerous ocassions.

Personally, I would not trust him to treat my dog… if I even had one.

REAL Science does NOT mind being questioned or entertaining other theories & possibilities.

JUNK SCIENCE cries foul when questioned.

You want to hear some real unpoliticized Sciece, do some research about what Dr. Robert Malone has to say. There are many others too, but Dr. Malone is a good place to start, since he actually among other things invented the mRNA vaccine process.
Research what he says about all this if you dare…. :wink:

Serious, i don’t follow you . It is like data shows you it has little effect but a lot of side effects and posssible futur effects . Do you hate your fellow human that much ?

I prove you that your numbers are fakes and you call me on your supposed honor ?

Hey, I missed that development. For all I know, science is getting better, more influential, more relevant and more essential by the minute (i.e. recently science provided unprecedented effective vaccines, that is giving, at least the fortunate ones, like all people in the US, a lucky ticket out of the corona crisis). There is tons of good useful science going on and it is very easy to find.

There is pulp information too, easily recognised and debunked. It is completely bonkers to me why so many people go for that?

My apologies, I forgot this is a World Wide forum.

IF you lived in the USA you would not have missed the dog & pony show of mis-information I mentioned above.

And much of the mis-information fed to us here in the USA was done so by our featured “experts” & all but worthless media.

Sure, thankfully there is a vaccine that may well help those that choose to take it. That is a good thing so long as there are no long term problems with the vaccine that are yet to be seen. And at this point there is no way to know that. The human trial of these vaccines are taking place as we speak.

And you are correct, there are tons of good things going on. That is why it is so disheartening here in the USA to have been fed a steady dose of BS, mixed in with the good; by those mentioned.
My experience & opinion in the USA.

1) As an academic (biologist) with a lot of knowledge about the science, and following the news extremely well, I have not caught dr. Fauci on one single lie during the corona crisis. Lots of evolving insights were happening also with him, as that goes with a developing new disease, but nothing but correct (for the level of knowledge at that moment), earnest, and helpful advice.

2) This is a popular but wrong way of reasoning, and unfortunately people go for that because human beings have difficulty handling small chances. There is no way to know if we will be hit by a planet-destroying rock in the next five years, yet we continue our life as if that will not happen because we do know (thanks to science) that the chance is extremely small that it will happen.
Same with vaccines: the chance that a vaccine which substance composition is low in harm by all that we know, is broken down by your body in days for all that we know, that is administered on occasional basis, and that after a year of trials and subsequently a billion (!) of uses failed to show any lasting harm, appears against all odds to be hiding in your body for a year to come back and harm you later, is extremely low. I can not think of a biological pathway that leads to that.

looks like a lot of people arguing about news again

please stop… your opinions about the science is just creating useless arguments

in my personal experience, people make decisions about corona based on individual beliefs, that we cannot argue about here

Im lucky to be vaccinated and lucky not to have caught corona. I hope everyone here continues safe as well, regardless how we may feel about politics, religion, and corona.

Edit: Deleted some posts of mine.

•^•^•^•^▪︎• OK:black_small_square:︎^•^•^•^• :white_check_mark:

I do not have the energy to explain how the Softenon case is so different in countless ways to the development of the current vaccines that any argument to compare the cases is unvalid.

Edit: to explain any confusion: this is a reply to a deleted post from Unheard :slight_smile:

It wasn’t a comparison, but we can put this to rest.


It heartens me that Mraz (link post #7647 ) and all of his family got Covid. And that someone in the hospital advised to be not vaccinated (“not helping” and “side effects”).
That is tragic.

And then we have the class clowns fluttering their feathers in mockery.

And to top it off, confrontational people pushing their POV.

I come here to get some insights on people’s personal experiences and how/if lockdowns disrupted their lives.

Getting to compartimize those that are logical and open to dialogue versus the ill tempered and biased.
So a prejudice sets in whenever these individuals post on flashlights or whatever liberal subject that is the talk of the ‘town’.

I’ll show my way out.