Where's The Racoon

Hjeh, I was tempted to yell out “Vaccines suck!” to get his attention. :smiling_imp:

When I was younger I ran a short trapline for extra money, back when fur sold at a premium. I met an old gentleman who loved to eat Raccoons & Beavers, he Bar-B-Qued them. Smoked some also.

So I skinned them & kept the fur, then gave the carcasses to him to do his thing. One day I took him a load of carcasses & he had just finished a bunch of Bar-B-Qued & Smoked Raccoon & Beaver. Of course I tried it… it was great too.
I left with a huge plate for later consumption… and consume it I did.

Turns out he sold it in a little B-B-Q joint he ran in his little community… he was a huge hit too.

From then on everytime I made a carcass delivery I left with a plate. :wink: :white_check_mark:

Good times long past……

In the world of Resident Evil, viruses are bad and vaccines are good.

In the real world, viruses and vaccines are different for different people.


If I ever disappear for more than 2 or 3 days, I'll most like either be on vacation, or our internet is down.

I've only gone on vacation twice in my life, and I think I created a thread each time to let people know what was up.

Of course, some day I'll pass away, but I have pretty good genes and I might live to be 90.

Right now I'm only 45, so I think I have a lot of time in front of me.

I couldn’t help but had to think of that scene in the zombie apocalypse movie „28 Days Later“. :D

+1 Lux-Perpetua…… :+1: :beer:

I used to work with a machinist who was a bear and deer hunter. Think a grouchy Grizzly Adams. He was legendary for hunting and torturing apprentices. Didn’t help that my older brother had been an apprentice before I came along and insured ’I was in for it. Anyway Josh(Grizzly Adams) would prepare a feast every winter as hunting settled down. Deer backstrap on homemade cathead biscuits and bear stew until you could not eat another bite.
Wonderful memories and I learned so many things. I hope these things do not die out

Great story djmcconn!! The food sounds fantastic too.
I agree, I hope these ways never die out. :white_check_mark:

RC, I don’t think you understand what was about to happen. You were going to have a bunch of crazy flashlight dudes come looking for you armed with MF05’s and GT94’s.

Plus an M1, S2 and P30.

My 2 coons are still out back in their enclosure. Had them out yesterday playing with them.

I haven’t seen any local raccoons since 2 of them were bitch-slapping each other over who gets to eat the leftover catfood I put out for the cats.

My daughter encountered raccoon pups for the first time the other night, 3 of them! She thought they would be fun to pet until 2 of the stood side by side and growled at her! One hid between a sliding screen door and the glass walk in door, tail hanging out and standing up. She about laughed herself silly because you could almost see the whole thing… She did pet it’s tail!

They are scavengers.

Raccoons here just tend to waddle off if disturbed.

I was able to pet a few opossums when I had ’em cornered. And yeah, they stiffened up like dead. :laughing: Soft, though.

One of the Angry Squirrels here was too busy filling his face on peanuts I was giving him, that I was able to keep foofing his tail over and over. On video, too. I’d foof him, he’d turn and growl at me, try biting me, then immediately turn away and keep eating. Foof his tail again, and again, turn/growl/bite. Over and over.

And a cow-orker thought I was nuts…

Raccoons are getting more common in The Netherlands during the last 10 years. Neighboring Germany has a population of 1.5 million, the population started in the thirties when north-american raccoons were released in nazi-Germany for hunting. But in the Netherlands they are sofar limited to less than hundred, and there is a practice of capturing as many as possible because it is not a native species.

It’s quite amazing how nature is such a delicate balance.

Yeah, one coon goes missing on this forum and all he// breaks loose. :smiley:

Yup, mankind has done quite a job of scattering invasive species around the globe when he thought he was smarter than mother nature.


Great stuff for fiction, although far from truth.

If humans are like a virus or plaque on the world, then philosophically one who murders large numbers of humans is doing a good deed. If one could kill six billion, he’d be the most virtuous man in history.