The Minoan Prince

It has been some time, through harsh conditions and bad climate, but our artist contacted me today with an update!

Here are the comments and photos I received:

“It is quite difficult to photograph during soldering, especially if you work alone and do not want to spoil anything. Therefore, there will be no soldering process, but immediately after, yes.”

“So, after fire and acid magic, I understood that we have a problem. And it’s called Clip. It is too tight and too cheap. I decided, that it’s not necessary to keep it, and add a lanyard ring to the top. But what just a lanyard is not enough. Let’s make a bead)). Spend some time to make a stamp based on ancient coin image. Shiny))) But it is just a tool. Now let’s take some wax and stamp it.”

“The main idea was make an old archaeological view.”

“And again casting”

“Ready one:”

“And so, this is what we end up with:”

“I did not show and photograph the process of laser engraving of ornaments, as it is boring and harmful for the camera.”

“So, there is little work left on the details, sanding, polishing and patina.”

Wow :+1:

Wow indeed! That is awesome and amazing work to produce a beauty.

pol77… that is amazing!!

Thank you for the update. :white_check_mark:

Very tasteful :+1:

Wow, that came out nice!


Looks like the Bugatti of flashlights.

That is a beast of a flashlight. I’m trying hard to not be envious, but it ain’t easy.

Did the Minoan civilization have princes? Didn’t they come much later in history?

I don’t think that I’d want that light, but good on him.


Nice art. But does it have a place in the flashlight world? Probably will cost a fortune.

Unexpectedly soon, I received a new update! The finished product! This time, with no comments. The photos speak for themselves.

Looks pretty cool!

beautiful work,
comes with a map, and a light!
to get out of the Labirynth :crown:

Wow, awesome work :person_with_crown:

That is beautiful. Does the artist have a website that we could see his other creations?

This is a piece of art work to be displayed in your living room.

He is on Instagram:

What I love about his work is that his beads have plasticity and seem to have character. You see them and it feels like you know their disposition.

Absolutely beautiful workmanship, gorgeous design
Well done indeed