Hospital Visit Today

You actually mean they “would” lie to us??? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I. am. shocked. … SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!! :person_facepalming: :wink:

Great videos too I might add. :white_check_mark:

PS… I wonder the same thing you do.

Politics again :person_facepalming: .

Not really. I personally see honest discussion in the making hopefully.
Time will tell though….

There has definitely been a lot of mass mental-conditioning that has gone into achieving this.

Now, just mentioning the idea that the Government, Pharma or people who have a lot of profits at stake would habitually lie and ultimately harm others for profit and power gets you chastised as a conspiracy theorist. This is no accident, and neither is the fact that the US government is the one who purposely popularized that phrase to slander the character of anyone questioning the governments actions and official stories. Now this behavior is literally all you see on TV.

Here’s a nice little breakdown of this as well as of how it factors into recent events.

ShyOne is right, hopefully this ends up being an honest conversation with genuine open-mindedness to how we may have gotten here.

Also, I would not call this politics, this is Humanitas. “Chief intellectual contexts with the implication of humane learning, or a humanistic approach to the problems of the human condition”.

When did ‘They lie to us’ started a reasonable discussion the last time? I’d say never.

Touché. When someone has been found out to have lied to you, it’s not something people take too lightly. So very very true indeed that it normally is not a pleasant discussion.

Though, I’d say that it’s still up to us individually to maintain civility and carry out a respectful and hopefully edifying conversation.

Most of our issue with this conversation starts with many people not knowing what governments and industry have already proven to be willing to do in the past to their own people. I don’t think that having this discussion should be an issue for anyone. How can learning from our past be so controversial? That’s not a natural thing, it should be universally welcome. We are at a place and time where that is not welcomed and that should be a major alarm for most people, but it’s not. Why has our government behavior become so draconian? Why are most cheering it on and allowing fear to be the main motivator? That too, is unnatural and ultimately what is in dire need of discussing, understanding and addressing.

Guys, let's just agree that the human race is bad to the bone! :D

Right, and everyone knows.

Because we (mankind) are unable to learn from history. Everything repeats again and again and again. Look back into the past and you will see that mankind has fought wars for the same reasons and objectives that we are still facing today or tomorrow. Self-destructive behaviour seems to bloom inside our blood. Personally, I think nature has deliberately put some kind of barrier into the evolution of mankind, making it impossible to overcome our weaknesses. A world like Star Trek will remain science fiction no matter how hard Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or Richard Branson push the limits to make manned long-range space travel come true.

That said, I’m conviced people have a realistic view on the society and draw their own conclusions from the data and their knowledge about companies and politics. It is bad style to say some are wrong in their opinion about Covid-19 since they don’t know facts X, Y, and Z. They just have a different point of view.

And this is hard to discuss, especially since this data is hard to understand. So, either trust the scientists and be done, or don’t trust them and check the data yourself.

Correlux is right. We have a lot to learn. I’m new to flashlights. Not new to healthcare (almost 30 years). For this entire pandemic, I have been in the critical care units of two hospitals. As a career respiratory therapist, I was the guy making BIPAP work during early COVID until emergency ventilators were shipped in. If you have COVID you see me. All I know is that in this case study that I’m living in, the government supported, rapidly developed, well distributed vaccine appears to have made COVID an infrequent problem in a few months time. However that’s in a very well vaccinated population. I may be telling a different story next week, but things are really good here, except folks rolling in who weren’t vaccinated. Also, with mandatory COVID reporting to CDC, we’re seeing very sporadic breakthrough cases nationally.

On the other hand, Delta’s spread rate seems to be double that of other variants and that’s been studied in a vaccinated population which is much less fertile or susceptible to being infected, if that makes sense. It could be that if you haven’t been vaccinated, you’re really gambling.

As far as the clinical data goes, whose to say that “Breakthrough” cases could lying about being vaccinated out of embarrassment. We are trying to study humans with a very dim flashlight. What’s the CRI of epidemiological research vs all the unknown unknowns of reality? The statement “Conclusive Study” in itself seems to be an oxymoron, as so many studies’ outcomes can’t be reproduced. Biases are everywhere, and political agendas and fears can also lead to bad decisions.

Also Media is excited to grab headlines that show the next wave, or a good one is when they point out when cases have doubled when today’s “double” numbers are a small fraction of what we saw in the bad old days. I rarely see articles pointing out how rapidly things have gotten back to normal in areas with good vaccination rates like here.

So now less vaccinated areas such as Texas are dealing with viral wildfire where there’s much more tinder. Surprise, surprise. Yet I still think the vaccinated are safe. More variables do abound, and I’m not an expert. Maybe international areas are dealing with lesser performing vaccines? I probably have muddied the waters, but that being said, get the damn vaccine or you’ll be seeing me as I suction your endotracheal tube. Now lets get to talking about flashlights! I’m waiting on my DSV2, Convoy L7 and Astrolux WP3. Don’t tell my wife.

Those are cheap labor and future voters. One sides investment, racist if the other side protest.

The data’s not that hard to understand, we’re just made to believe that it is. Although our media seems to think THEY sure have a good handle on the data right? Problem is it’s all just gloom and doom and their models have been wrong from the very beginning. But have they admitted that they were wrong along the way? Nope, they just blamed “bad citizens” and moved onto new instructions with most just blindly going along. What they’re doing is intended to lead us down a path where extreme control is held over us. I can’t imagine that’s not obvious to everyone by now.

If the data really were so hard to understand, there would be no need for the record mass-censoring of so many top medical and scientific industry professionals. But that’s exactly why it’s done, they don’t want someone with real scientific rapport simplifying things in a light that’s contradictory to the selected narrative. They want to be the only information outfit in town and that shit is tyrannical AF. They are enacting legislation that will allow them to silence critics even more in the future, that shit is ALSO tyrannical AF.

There are plenty of smart people that are capable of breaking it all down into laymen’s terms, and they do.

Check out how this narrative about it being only the vaccinated is shredded when compared to the rest of the worlds data. It is beyond dishonest for the US to be pushing this lie, yet here we are.

The problem with finding this information, is that anything that goes against the accepted narrative is being actively censored at levels not seen here before. We have absolute top professionals & experts being banned and called quack conspiracy theorists. Again, not good and not normal in the slightest. Red flags are everywhere, it would be a good start if people stopped acting like they didn’t exist.

None of what I say is to take a side, it’s more to highlight how one-sided this all has been. In a place where freedom of choice is supposed to be part of our DNA, there is more than enough happening to cause grave concern. We have been robbed of the ability to dialogue and hear opposing points of views. There should have been a committee or a panel of top doctors working together to analyze the data and come to a consensus on policy, it shouldn’t have been a one-man-rule like Fauci has had. If all the people contradicting the native are so wrong, why censor them? Why not have a huge national debate and let the people that follow those idiots see them get embarrassed in front of the country instead? I know they would all jump at the chance. Problem is they are worried it would be them getting embarrassed and that must be a avoided at all costs. We are in the middle of a dictatorship plain and simple. I know many don’t want to or just aren’t ready to accept it, but every part of our society is clearly pointing to it.

Probably getting the shakes by now. Welcome aboard. Might want to add a BLF A6 XPL 3D tint to that collection. It’s our secret hand shake flashlight.

Sorry, Lojik, I’m out. This leads to nowhere except arguing again.

texas shooter… :+1: Well said.

waiting for convoy 3x21, haikelite hk4s, odin turbo, sofirn c8f, sc11, c01. Every day I’m excited when the postal worker comes, then disappointed.

Don’t see a need for that at all. But I understand, discussion of people’s world views is not an easy topic, especially today. But as I mentioned, it’s still up to the person who’s views are being examined to decide how to react. No worries, I appreciate your willingness up to this point.

Waiting for my Fireflies Nov-Mu 2000k and D18 with SW35/SW45K tint-mix. Starting to feel like it’s taking forever.

You mean Lambda?

While Delta is the VOC, Lambda seems to be the VOI. This is not to say that Lambda isn’t dangerous, it could be just that we have yet to fully understand how well it could breakthrough.